Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Doctors’ Day In India

Doctors’ Day In India

First of July has been designated as Doctors’ Day in India. It is indeed important that both doctors and patients be made aware of the existence of this day and at the same time, of its relevance and significance in the larger context of healthcare in this country. Here is a little history as to why doctors’ day is celebrated on this particular day.

Dr.Bidhan Chandra Roy
Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy was born on July 1, 1882 at Bankipore in Patna in Bihar. His career as a physician started in 1911 when he came back to India from Bartholomew’s hospital in the UK having completed his MRCP. Thereafter, he joined the teaching staff of Calcutta Medical College and later moved to Campbell Medical School and then to Carmichael Medical College. He dedicated his life to the Upliftment of Indian society, especially, the downtrodden. Dr Roy was honoured with the country's highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna on February 4, 1961.

Not only did he excel as a physician, he was an educationist, social reformer, freedom fighter (joined Mahatma Gandhi in the Civil Disobedience movement), leader of Indian National Congress and later second chief minister of West Bengal. Dr B C Roy passed away on July 1, 1962 on his birthday. Thus July 1st was considered an appropriate day to be designated as Doctors’ Day- a tribute to Dr B C Roy and the entire medical profession. 

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Top 10 Detox Foods

Top 10 Detox Foods

There are many detoxing programs and  techniques you can follow to detoxify your body. However, the best forms are always the most natural using the foods nature provides us with. The following is a list of the top ten detox foods you can take…

1. Fresh Organic Fruit - Contains high levels of liquid and antioxidants to flush out your system.
2. Green Leafy Foods - Foods such as alfalfa, spinach, arugula and kale contains chlorophyll which can help your digestive tract and aid your liver in detoxification.
3. Fresh Citrus Fruits - Fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruit are wonderful for flushing out toxins. They contain vitamin C which is known to be the best detox vitamin around.
4. Green Tea - Contains antioxidants which can help aid in liver function.
5. Ginger and Garlic - Both are great for getting rid of free radicals that build up in the body.
6. Fresh Vegetables - Veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes and beets are wonderful natural foods that will purge toxins from your system. They contain Sulphur which helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.
7. Beans / Soybeans - Contain isoflavones, a type of antioxidant. Also a great source of fiber which can assist with the digestive process.
8. Nuts and Seed - Walnuts, almonds, flaxseed, sunflower and pumpkin seeds are all high in omega 3 fatty acids. They are a nutrient dense food and are easily digestible, especially if soaked.
9. Omega 3’s - Foods like avocado, olive oil, or even salmon contain high levels of omega 3 oils which help lubricate the intestinal walls and aid in the digestive process by eliminating toxins.
10. Water - Although not considered to be an actual food, probably the best key ingredient for any detox program or diet. Consume plenty of filtered water with fresh lemon every day.


Fat burning foods, or thermogenic foods, help shake your metabolism into high gear. Burning fat isn’t just exclusive to performing invigorating workout routines. With these 15 fat burning foods, you can surely burn belly fat faster. 

1. Peppers - The most popular fat burning foods around and rich in thermogenic properties.
2. Garlic - These powerful bulbs of spice add a kick to any meal and help burn fat.
3. Ginger - This is another fat burner that can easily be added to your favorite beverages and meals.
4. Parsley - It’s good for your circulatory system. Keeps your breath nice and fresh, too.
5. Berries - They satisfy your taste buds while controlling calorie absorption.
6. Cabbage - Considered a high-fiber longevity vegetable, cabbages make perfect sandwich fillers.
7. Lemons - Just a teeny tablespoon of its juice everyday will help control your cravings and insulin levels.
8. Brussels Sprouts - These cabbage-like thermogenic foods are filled with vitamins .
9. Cauliflower and Broccoli - These all-time veggie faves are full of calcium as well.
10. Green Tea - Drink before meals.It will help in the digestion of your food and fat-burning.
11. Apple Cider Vinegar - Lose the fat and gain a lot from apple cider vinegar’s weight-loss benefits.
12. Mustard - Mustard is usually overlooked, but it's fat burning properties are simply unbelievable.
13. Cinnamon - Add this aromatic stick to your tea or chop them up and mix them with yogurt.
14. Vinegar - It speeds up your metabolism and can even be used in metabolic disorder therapy.
15. Cold Water - Who knew that drinking water, preferably ice cold, gets your metabolism working, too? While your body warms up the cool liquid, you’re also burning some calories. You can find these thermogenic foods almost anywhere.
16. Artificial Sweeteners: These can include:
Splenda (sucralose) 
NutraSweet (aspartame) 
Sunette (acesulfame K) 
And Sweet ‘N Low (saccharin) 
16. Avocados:-Crammed with two nutrients that are great for burning belly fat: fiber which lowers your hunger cravings (11 to 17 grams per avocado) and with monounsaturated fats.
17. Nuts/Seeds: Including:
Peanut Butter 
Almonds and almond butter 
Pumpkin seeds 
Sunflower seeds 
Flax seeds.
Crammed with healthy minerals and fats, which actually help burn the bad fat you see in the mirror. As well as making you feel full and satisfied for long periods of time.
18. Certain Oils like Olive Oil and Cocunut Oil.These are actually the healthy oils you body needs to burn the ugly fat.
19. Added Caffeine in soft drinks and energy drinks
Before you drive to the supermarket to buy some, make sure you don’t already have them in your kitchen. Take advantage of these fat burning foods and start eating your way to a smoking hot body.

Stop Smoking in Healthy Aging

Stop Smoking in Healthy Aging

Stop smoking currently means you may live a cheerful and healthier life. As you already know smoking is unhealthy for everyone, not simply those that smoke however the ones that breath in the used smoke. Used, smoke is more durable on you then smoking. Forty-five hundred Americans start smoking each year. Why would they want to try and do this to them self I will’t really answer you. As a result of once you get started, you cannot stop. You're hooked and that's not very good for you. Most people start at an early age in life, they're curious or they need to be cool. The biggest drawback is most individuals lack education that helps them to work out how smoking causes them to age faster.

The problems smoking can cause:
Smoking will cause several issues when it involves your health not to think about the expense. Smoking can cause cancer, heart disease, and strokes, increase cholesterol and therefore on. Your heart is affected, since smoking causes your blood vessels to make up with cholesterol and fat. The results results in harden of the arteries. Harden arteries mean that the blood flow will not pump fast enough to support the center’s natural necessities. This starts blood clotting, broken blood vessels etc. It will additionally cause angina that will make you think that your having a heart attack but your aren’t its simply not obtaining enough blood to the center to create it pump right. Then it will cause you to own a heart attack, since smoking may be a blockage thus that there is no blood going to the heart.

Smoking can cause strokes or bronchiolitis. This disease is contagious, that most folks don't understand it. The viral infection affects the airway, which affects breathing. The common explanation for this contagious disease is smoking or second user smoke. Smoking promotes bad breath, stained teeth, smelly furniture and clothes. You also get common colds and flu more often. You will start to cough and then you won’t be able to breath they even could place you on oxygen. In addition, smoking is therefore expensive currently days. It's not value it you'll end up regretting it in end. On prime of this, you get keen about the nicotine once you're hooked your hooked.

Bronchiolitis could be a common viral infection, that affects the respiratory syncytial. The condition causes inflammation. Once the inflammation accumulates the airway is blocked, since the nicotine consumptions and infections causes the airway to slender, that the flow of air is obstructed.

Why is nicotine addictive?
You get obsessed with the nicotine because of all the chemical place into the tobacco. It’s not so abundant as the nicotine that produces you sick it’s the chemicals that they place within the tobacco, that cause you to get the disease like lung cancer and heart disease. In addition, what ever you get from smoking. Nicotine or cigarettes have many chemicals incorporated into it to causes addictions, and at last death.

How will I quite smoking?
Once you're hooked, it's visiting be arduous to quite. You have to determine that you’re visiting quite irrespective of what it causes, like weight gain or being edgy.

You have to tug up the can power to try to to this and stick with it. You can say I can have one currently and no a lot of, nonetheless it don’t work that way. You have to find the means that best fits your needs and build the can power. You'll need to consult together with your doctor who will provide you helpful suggestions on stop smoking.

The Aging Body in Healthy Living

The Aging Body in Healthy Living

The body goes through several changes beginning at adolescence. As an individual ages the brain, eyes, ears, mouth, smell, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, bladder, colon, metabolism, and so on starts to alter. The body functions start declining which affects reproductive organs, blood, cells, tissues and thus on. To slow aging one must exercise, eat right and continue visiting their doctors. Doctors are essential, since these caring souls take time to monitor your bodily functions. Doctors will consider atmosphere, overall health, hereditary factors and a lot of to keep up your health.

Who studies aging?
Geriatrics are the lads and ladies within the branches of drugs that study seniors or aging. The specialists often focus on aging or the aged since the majority of disease all start in later years. In read of the actual fact, geriatrics study the syndromes and disease merely as a result of one disease that affects the young can result the elders during a totally different light-weight. For instance, if a younger person features a thyroidal drawback, it may cause them to feel cranky, gain weight and so on. However, if an older person has a thyroidal problem, they may sink in and cut back themselves into depression.

Compare the diseases:
If an older person incorporates a thyroidal condition, they will feel depressed, confused, withdrawn, fatigue, confused, and can lose memory. If common doctors noted these changes they will deduce dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, since the symptoms are in like. Therefore, somebody needs to focus their attention on aging solely to perceive the changes that older persons undergo.

Older folks are subjects to Alzheimer’s disease, that may be a progressive brain dysfunction. The disease causes large memory loss, that the person will recede to infancy in time and at last die. Older folks are subject to Aortic aneurysm, which could be a disease of the aorta where the walls start dilating, rupturing the most functions and gradually causes death. Older folks are subjects to atrophic arthritis, that is in harmony with vaginitis. This condition causes the urethra, yet as the vagina to shrink. As the organs thin the tissues, numerous symptoms emerge, including burning sensations. The person might feel pain during sexual issues. With the burning sensations throughout urine unharness, a typical doctor might confuse this disorder as some type of infection, or sexual transmitted disease. (STD)

Of course, the typical doctors receive valuable data from the study teams of senior voters. For this reason, the doctors stand awake to challenge aging symptoms, rather than confusing the symptoms with alternative disease.

Elderly folks are subject to bedsores. Due to prolonged force, this condition causes the skin to breakdown. Similarly, elderly individuals are subject to cataracts, which the lens are clouded causing impairment of vision. Diseases such as benign prostate hyperplasia typically develops in the older generation of men. This condition causes the prostate glands to expend giant then normal. Urine is blocked when this condition emerges.

Understanding what you are probably, facing as an elder person, or youthful person will facilitate your get previous the aging game. While we tend to don't have any management over aging, we tend to do have the ability to slow aging. To slow aging you will need to learn preventive techniques and thus on. Ask your doctor to provide you pamphlets that help you understand common aging disease.

Elderly individuals face ongoing declinations of the body changes and can result in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. This disease progresses in an exceedingly later stage and grows. The condition can grow into malignant leukemia, that is cancerous. Finally, elderly people are potential victims to diabetes type two, glaucoma, hypothyroidism, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease and so on. Don’t be the next victim take action today!

How to beat asthma

How to beat asthma
Two peak flow meters
1. Asthma partially obstructs the bronchial tubes, making breathing difficult. The cause of asthma is still not known. But if you are an asthma sufferer, you can, through natural means, considerably reduce the number of asthma attacks you get.

2. A placebo study has shown that asthmatics who consume 1 gram of vitamin C per day had 4 times fewer attacks. When they stopped taking vitamin C, the attacks resumed with the same frequency as before .

3. As for magnesium, it also works wonders! Dr. Zack H. Haddad of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southern California conducted a study on thirty children suffering from asthma associated with allergies.

4. Twenty of them drank a daily amount of mineral water rich in magnesium, while the others received no magnesium supplement. After three months, the first group had a higher level of magnesium in their blood, and they were able to breathe more easily.

5. So taking vitamin C and magnesium is an excellent way to prevent asthma attacks.

6. But what can you do to breathe more easily during an attack? Simply drink 2 or 3 cups of strong coffee. By activating blood circulation, it eases respiratory blockage

How to reduce cholesterol

How to reduce cholesterol
To reduce cholesterol:

First cut down on saturated fats. To do this:

1. Eat lean meat. Select lean cuts and ask your butcher to cut off the fat.

2. Drink skim milk instead of whole milk. Do the same for all dairy products. Note that vegetarians have a much lower cholesterol level (almost twice as low as average) which is perfectly understandable, since cholesterol is only found in products derived from animals.

3. Alcohol - in moderation. Not more than two glasses a day. However, it does appear that drinking a moderate amount of alcohol raises the number of HDL lipids (the good ones!), which break down cholesterol. (Moderation = two 4 oz. glasses of wine or two 12 oz.beers.)

4. Do regular exercise, for example walking.

5. Take Vitamin E. It reduces the risk of coronary disease.

6. Calcium brewer’s yeast, Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6 also combat the accumulation of cholesterol. And don’t forget lecithin, which helps fight excess cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, hypertension

Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Tips to stay fit and healthy

Tips to stay fit and healthy
Dieting alone does not have a long lasting effect on weight reduction, unless complemented with regular physical exercise.  Besides, exercise has a lot of other benefits.

Exercise can help promote our physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise can improve heart and lung functions, reduce the risk of heart and related diseases, and control weight. It also improves muscle strength and suppleness, as well as joint and muscle flexibility. By exercising regularly, we feel better, work better and cope better with the stresses in life. To stay healthy and fit, cultivate habits and behaviours that will enhance your health and reduce the risk of illness.

Regular exercise may help to improve your outlook. People who exercise regularly have a
lower chance of getting depressed than those who don’t exercise. They also sleep better and feel more rested. As a result, you may feel better about yourself.

Exercise for 30 minutes a day, three to five times a week.

Take part in some kind of sport.

Do active work at home like work in your garden or yard or clean the house.

Take a brisk walk, jog or swim.

Do not start smoking, or stop smoking.

Alcohol and drugs
Drink alcohol moderately, or stop drinking.

Do not take drugs.

Practise safe sex
Abstain from sex; delay starting to have sex; do not rush into sex with each partner.
Be faithful to one partner.
Use condoms to protect yourself during sex.

Eat balanced meals.
Eat a variety of all food groups (starch, protein, fat, dairy products).
Eat at least two portions of vegetables and fruit a day.
Reduce fat in the diet.
Take less sugar and salt.
Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

Sleep seven to eight hours a night.

healthy tips for a healthy lifestyle test post content

healthy tips for a healthy lifestyle test post content

Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Foot Care in Summer

With the arrival of summer and the heat gets too sensitive for our health, like others parts of the body, foot also create uncomfortable situation. Due mainly to the change in type of footwear as new weather our feet may experience some problems. We go from closed to open footwear, plus without socks or stockings that largely protect the feet.

Foot Care in Summer

Common Problems of Foot in Summer

Chafing and blisters:
They are one of the most common problems. The first is due to the friction of bare skin against the new shoe or sandal and may even cause injury. The latter have the same etiology, but in this case, instead of lacerate the skin, it rises liquid accumulating beneath.

Excess sweating:
At the bottom there are a lot of sweat glands and in some people who sweat excessively high humidity occurs that leads to secondary problems such as cracks between the toes.

Excessive dryness of the skin:
The wearing of feet into the air and high temperature cause more dry skin this time of year. This is particularly evident in the heel area; the edges appear whitish due to lack of moisture and accumulation of hyperkeratosis (skin hardness).

Fungal skin infections:
During the summer there are a number of ideal conditions for fungal infections. The most typical of all is the Athlete's Foot, which appears in the fingers and causes skin red, dry and flaky. Sometimes also cracks or blisters may appear.

Tips to Overcome the Foot Problems 

It is very important to choose suitable footwear: comfortable, breathable, soft and airy with a sole buffer at the same time flexible. This prevents a considerable extent the occurrence of chafing and blisters.

In the event of a rash should be disinfected and covered with a dressing. If a blister is what has occurred, it must go through with a fine needle to drain the liquid, pressing on it, disinfected and covered with a dressing. You have to let the skin comes off by itself when the epidermis is fully regenerated.

For the sweating you can opt for products that regulate perspiration. There deodorants (not prevent moisture, only deodorized) and antiperspirants that clog the pores to some extent by leaving the sweat, controlling moisture. You must read its instructions and follow them to the letter to avoid further problems.

Foot Care in Summer

Since excessive sweating may cause cracking toes. In these cases we apply an antiseptic on them to facilitate healing and prevent infection, in addition to seeking dry off well between the toes after showering and use a desiccant such as talcum powder before cal-zones. It is to prevent the continued use daily and closed footwear.

The Athlete's Foot, a typical problem in summer, is a fungal infection caused by a concentrated moisture extreme sweating feet. It is usually cured with anti fungal and consistently in treatment. To avoid this it is advisable:
Use slippers or rubber slippers pools, saunas, gyms and public areas where it is in direct contact with moisture.

Wear shoes allowing perspiration, preferably leather or natural materials.
Never share towels or footwear.

Daily hygiene of the feet, drying them thoroughly especially between the toes
Another frequent problem is the papilla virus infections (plantar warts) that abound in warm, moist areas such as swimming pools, gyms, saunas, etc. They are very common in children. With the use of appropriate flip-flops in these places is prevented contagion. Appear if you should see a dermatologist for treatment.

Summer must duplicate the skin hydration to prevent drying problems, which are much more evident in summer. It is recommended to apply moisturizers, preferably in the evening to avoid increase sweating during the day. Also recommend the use of a file or pumice stone and rough areas of your feet a couple of times a week, with the goal of eliminating the accumulation of hyperkeratosis or hardness of the same. 

Following the tips you should take care your foot in summer.

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Simple Tips And Technics To Keep Your Body Fit And Healthy

Simple Tips And Technics To Keep Your Body Fit And Healthy

How do you feel to be healthy? Nice! Must be wondering if there is that magic wand, I can become slim, fit and healthy. Nice to think but how to make this a reality? Takes time. Can't happen overnight.

You can follow certain simple and easy technics which will help you be fit and healthy. Have you decided to go for it! then read on.

1- Do not make a future plan for your exercise, if you have to do it, just do it now.

2- Wake up a bit early, pull your pants up and start walking out. If not like an exercise, just walk out. Go where you like, spend sometime out in the morning. You can opt to buy milk, vegetables, newspaper or whatever... just go out. Slowly increase the speed of your walk.

3- Follow the Golden Rule - Breakfast like a KING, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a PAUPER. Keep your dinner very light, avoid cheese, butter, curd or any other fat products.

4- Breathe in and breathe out deeply whenever your remember. Do simple stretching exercises.

5- Last of all... Don't worry.. Be happy. Stress can cause lifestyle diseases. Be away from stress. Life is short, enjoy every moment of it.

Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

5 Ways to Reduce Dandruff

5 Ways to Reduce Dandruff

Dandruff is detected by the itchy and flakiness of the scalp. You can always check with your dermatologist to identify the problem and for remedies that help cure it. You may not even have dandruff; your current hair product including shampoo and conditioner could be irritating your scalp. So, try switching your product first to a non-dandruff fighting shampoo and conditioner. See if the flakiness goes away. Stress can be a main cause for dandruff, so make sure that you try relaxing techniques daily to reduce your stress level. 

1. Shampoo
Wash your hair with warm to cool water. Try a mild shampoo for a few weeks, and if you do not see any results, use an anti-dandruff shampoo. You should notice improvement in 4-6 weeks. Avoid alcohol based products, or any other styling products until the dandruff subsides. Instead use a leave-in conditioner to maintain shape.

2. Aloe Vera
You need to soothe your scalp because it is red and irritated, so try Aloe Vera. Rub the gel onto the scalp and keep it on overnight. Be sure to replace your pillowcase.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Try pouring two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar onto your scalp, or lemon juice, or even try a mixture of both. Leave it on for as long as you like about 20 minutes to an hour should work and then shampoo.

4. Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil is a mild and soothing choice in relieving dandruff. You can chill it and work it through your hair. After a few days the dandruff should be gone.

5. Herbal
You can use various herbs including ginger, rosemary, tea or thyme. You can combine ginger and rosemary with olive oil, separately and rub onto the scalp. Tea can be made and then rubbed into the hair and shampooed. The oil from Thyme is an antiseptic and can be boiled and left on your hair.

You can also try to eliminate dandruff from the inside out. Cut back on junk food, or eliminate it completely from your diet. Try eating yogurt. Also, include more fruits and vegetables and incorporate milk.

If the dandruff problem persists, or any of these remedies make the problem worse discontinue and seek medical attention. You want to be sure it is in fact dandruff you are seeking. If it is another skin condition, it will be treated using different remedies.

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Help your Hair growth naturally

Hair growth naturally

Hair loss is a common problem for men & women, many of them spend more time and money to protect their hair, so it is necessary to know techniques to achieve hair growth naturally, without spending more times and money.

Hair growth naturally

One of the techniques recommended to get hair to grow naturally is to apply olive oil before washing in the morning, another option is to combine the mixture of aloe and honey, for that you should remove the pulp to several leaves of Aloe Vera, mixed with honey and apply this mixture to the scalp, this stays in the hair for twenty minutes and then wash it, you can cut an onion and add it to your everyday shampoo, let it sit for fifteen days and then use it normally, this will help to grow hair fast and shiny.

A good diet can help in the process of achieving hair growth, for example in the morning you can have breakfast a mixture of one tablespoon of soy lecithin, a tablespoon of wheat germ, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of brewer's yeast and a yogurt, you mix all the ingredients with yogurt and breakfast this every day along with what normally eat breakfast, in a period of one week you should start to see results.

When cooking potatoes keeps the water used and the same day use it to rinse your hair.

Although its primary use is not for this, birth control pills help hair grow faster, so it takes about fifteen pills and put them in a plastic bag and crush them until they become a powder, the powder and pour it takes the bottle of shampoo you use, you mix well and let stand for at least a day, after that you will use the shampoo regularly.

Following the above techniques you will see how your hair growth naturally

Fast Facts about Human Genetics

Fast Facts about Human Genetics

1. DNA stands for Deoxy-ribo-Nucleic Acid.

2. On February 28, 1953, Francis Crick and James Watson figured out the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).  That structure, a 'double helix', can "unzip" (separate into two long strands) to make copies of itself.  This discovery confirmed suspicions that DNA carried an organism's hereditary information.

3. DNA molecules are linked, one after another, like pearls on a very long string.

4. DNA molecules are the "software" that direct cellular activity and determine everything about an organism - from what it looks like to how long it is likely to live. Genes are pieces of this DNA, and are the fundamental units of heredity.

5. The complete human genome consists of approximately 3 billion DNA molecules.

6. On average, each chromosome has about 65 million DNA molecules.

7. A gene is a stretch of DNA molecules (ranging in length from thousands to tens of thousands of DNA molecules, in some cases they may be even larger).

8. Between genes, along the length of a chromosome, there may be long stretches of DNA, which have no known function.

9. A chromosome contains about 1000 genes.

10. Humans have approximately 30,000 different genes spread out over the 46 chromosomes.

11. Humans get one complete set of genes from each parent.

12. In April 2003, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) celebrates the completion of the human genome sequence and the 50th anniversary of the description of the DNA double helix.

13. The nucleus, or control centre, of a cell, is where the DNA is coiled up into chromosomes. With the exception of reproductive cells, every cell has 46 chromosomes. Twenty-two pairs of the chromosomes are similar in terms of size, shape and genetic content. The twenty-third pair determines the sex of the individual, and is composed of either two x chromosomes (female) or an x and a y chromosome (male).

14. DNA molecules are incredibly long. If all of the DNA from all of your cells was stretched out into a single thread, it would extend to the moon and back about one million times!

15. It takes about eight hours for one of your cells to completely copy its DNA.

16. The human DNA code is made up of about three thousand million A,T, C, and Gs on each side of the DNA strand.

17. If you were to start reciting the order of the ATCGs in your DNA tomorrow morning, at a rate of 100 each minute, 57 years would pass before you reached the end (provided that you did not stop to eat, drink, sleep, use the bathroom etc.)

18. If you were to stretch out the DNA from those 46 chromosomes in one cell and lay it end to end, it would be over 2 yards in length.

19. If the total DNA in one person were laid in a straight line, it would stretch to the sun and back over 30 times (it’s 93 million miles from here to the sun).

20. You could fit one thousand nuclei across the period at the end of this sentence.

21. You could fit one million threads of DNA across the period at the end of this sentence.

22. Humans are 99.9% genetically identical - only 0.1% of our genetic make-up differs.

23. Information, and yet, all of it is contained inside the microscopic nucleus of a cell so tiny that it could easily fit on the head of a pin!

24. Our genes are remarkably similar to those of other life forms. For example, we share 98% of our genes with chimpanzees, 90% with mice, 85% with zebra fish, 21% with worms, and 7% with a simple bacterium such as E. coli.

25. Less than 2% of the total DNA carries instructions to make proteins. The rest is misleadingly called ‘junk’ DNA, because it is a hodge-podge of sequences that does not seem to code for anything.

Exercise in Health and Disease

Exercise in Health and Disease
A world famous physical educationist, Eugene Sandow, has very aptly said, " Life is movement, stagnation is death. " Physical exercise is essential for the maintenance of normal condition of life. Lack of natural exercise is one of the chief causes of weakness and ill-health. In recent years, the need for exercise has been recognised even in sickness. Physio and occupational therapy are now standard procedures in medicine to
restore the use of muscles and nerves that have been injured by disease or by accident. Patients with organic ailments are now advised to stay in bed for the minimum period considered necessary.

Exercise and Activity
For corrective living, it is essential to differentiate between exercise and activity. While both are important as they are involved in vital physical movement, they vary in degree and benefits. Both employ the body in voluntary movement. Activity uses the body to a limited degree and generally to achieve a specific purpose. Exercise employs the body over the widest possible range of movement for the particular purpose of maintaining or acquiring muscle tone and control with maximum joint flexibility.

Activity requires less physical effort and often less conscious effort once the routine has been established. Exercise demands considerable physical effort and is more beneficial as mental concentration is simultaneously employed.
Systematic physical exercise has many benefits. The more important benefits are mentioned below :
1. Regular exercise taken properly can achieve the increased use of food by the body,which contributes to health and fitness. The basal metabolic rate and habitual body temperature will slowly rise during several weeks of physical exercise, if the programme is not too hard. The healthy person usually has abundant body heat and a warm radiant glow.

2. Regular progressive physical exercise can bring about the balance of automatic, or involuntary , nervous system. The tone of the vagus nerve, one of the nerves that control sensation and motion, is strengthened. This accounts for stronger pulse waves, higher metabolism and better circulation.

3. Exercise can prevent or reduce gravitational ptosis or sag, as it is commonly called.Ptosis results from uneven flow of blood in the feet, legs and lower abdomen.

4. Improved capillary action in the working of muscular and brain tissue results from exercise carried to the point of real endurance. This permits greater blood flow and gives the muscles, including the heart, more resistance to fatigue. Massage, heat and moderate exercise are relatively ineffective in producing additional
capillary action as compared with vigorous exercise.

5. The full use of the lungs in vigorous exercise can reduce or prevent lung congestion due to lymph accumulation.

6. Gas and intra-intestinal accumulations can be reduced by exercise that acts to knead and squeeze or vibrate the intraintestinal mass.

7. Better respiratory reserve is developed by persistent exercise. This ensures better breath holding, especially after a standard exercise. With greater respiratory reserves, exercise become easier.

8. Improvement in tone and function of veins can be accomplished by repetitiously squeezing and draining the blood out of them and then allowing them to fill.

9. Sweating in exercise aids kidneys by helping to eliminate the waste matter from the body.

10. Consistent exercise leads to improvement in quality of blood. Studies have shown improved haemoglobin levels, relatively greater alkalinity, improved total protein content and a grater red cell count. Systemic exercise promotes physical strength and mental vigour and strengthens will power  and self control leading to harmonious development of the whole system.

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Migraine and Food Selection

Migraine and your Food selection

Migraine can be defined as a severe headache, usually unilateral, accompanied by gastrointestinal signs and other visuals. It is a very common discomfort in women, common among the young adult population. Its causes are many, but the family history seems to have much of the responsibility.


Some reports indicate that there are certain foods that are triggers of migraine symptoms in people who suffer from frequent episodes. However, this condition is so complex that it has been observed that not all persons with the same symptoms food or to consume the same quantities of them.

Four nutritional recommendations for people with migraine:

Keep mealtimes sorted and avoid spending more than three hours without eating. This helps to maintain stable blood glucose levels and avoid drastic reductions sugar for the brain, with the consequent dizziness, fatigue and headache.

Avoid eating too many sweets. Many sweet foods such as chocolates, candies, jellies, honey, corn syrup, desserts and preserves are related with the onset of migraine symptoms. Avoiding them can help not only with these headaches, but also with their weight.

Stay away from alcoholic beverages. Besides its hypoglycemic effect, i.e., they can produce significant decreases in blood sugar; alcohol containing favors the onset of migraine symptoms. Do not drink wine, beer, vodka, whiskey, or any other beverage of this kind.

Migraine and food selection

Pay attention to these foods. The following list corresponds to foods that commonly favor the occurrence of migraine attacks:

  • Ripe banana 
  • Chocolates 
  • Pickles and canned food 
  • Sour cream 
  • Nuts and seeds 
  • Peanut Butter 
  • Coffee and black tea 
  • Sausages: salami, bacon, ham, sausages, etc. 
  • Cheeses mature cheddar, Gouda or Edam 
  • Condiments artificial seasonings, packaged soups, chutneys

Foods are essential for our living, but sometimes they create some problems for our bad health condition or influence some diseases elements. If we are careful about food selection then it will help us to control some uneven problems like migraine.

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013


1. Pain in the ears is usually caused due to -Impacted wax;
2. Entry of some foreign body into the ear; 
3. Due to an infection in the ear, nose or throat; 
5. Due to some pressure changes when traveling in an airplane or in swimmers. 

Children tend to be the usual sufferers because they commonly tend to suffer from respiratory tract infections and also because their Eustachian tubes are short and immature and thus the infection spreads easily. These can lead to severe infection and permanent damage if left untreated and thus should always be investigated by a doctor immediately. When a person complains of earache, ask him to sit propped up, stay away from wind and draft of cold air and apply a warm compress or indirect heat over the part (like through a hair drier or by application of a towel wrung out of hot water and pressed against the ear), or chew some gum and sip fluids to help open up the Eustachian tube and thus relieve the pain. It is important not to put anything into the ear unless and until a doctor ensures you that the eardrum is intact.

WARNING:  Do not put any ear drops in the ear (allopathic, homoeopathic or home remedies mentioned below), if the ear drum is ruptured as this can cause severe complications.

Apricot - oil of apricot seeds is very effective in treating earache. Put 2-3 drops of oil in the ear that is paining. Earache will stop.

Betel leaf (pan) - The juice of fresh betel leaves is extracted and 2-3  drops are put in the painful ear to relieve earache.  This also helps in treating ear infection.

Bishop's weed (ajwain)-Ajwain possesses pain killing property and is very beneficial in treating earache. Take half teaspoonful of ajwain seeds and boil them in half cup of milk. Boil them till the essence of the seeds permeates the milk, then strain and use this milk as eardrops. It decreases congestion and relieves earache.

Bitter gourd (karela) - Cut two karelas lengthwise in small pieces and boil  them in mustard oil till the pieces turn into ash or black. Strain the oil and store in a bottle. Put 2-3 drops in the ears daily. Do this for a few weeks. The hearing will improve.

Black pepper - Soak a piece of cotton in oil and then sprinkle it with black pepper and place it over the ear.  This will bring instant relief to ear pain.

Bottle gourd (lauki) - Take the stalk of bottle gourd, crush it and extract the juice. Put 2-3 drops of this in the painful ear. The earache will stop immediately.

Breast milk - Instilling a few drops of breast milk is considered the best treatment in small children to treat mild earache.

Castor oil - A few drops of warm castor oil (arandi) or honey can be put in the ear to treat earache.

Clove (laung / lavang) - Heat 2-3 cloves in two teaspoonfuls of sesame oil. Then put a few drops of this warm oil in the painful ear. This will cure earache.

Garlic - Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and heat them in some sesame oil or coconut oil till they turn brown. Do not use groundnut oil. Cool and strain. Put 2-3 drops of this oil in the painful ear. The earache will be cured. This will also benefit if there is pus oozing out from the ears. It also helps treat atonic deafness.

To treat earache and discharge from the ear arising from middle-ear infection, take a few cloves of garlic and crush them. Mix some rock salt in it and warm the mixture. Wrap this mixture in a muslin cloth and place it on the painful ear.  Simultaneously, chew 2-3 cloves of garlic daily for a few days.

To treat deafness, extract the juice of a few cloves of garlic and put 4-5 drops in the affected ear twice a day.

Ghee - Boil ghee and camphor (kapoor) and store it in a bottle. Whenever there is earache, warm it and put 2 – 3 drops in the painful ear with the help of a clean dropper. This will cure the earache.

Ginger - Freshly extracted ginger juice, about one tablespoonful, with an addition of a pinch of rock salt is filtered and then used as ear drops (2-3 drops) to relieve earache and inflammation.

Holy basil (tulsi) - Put 2-3 drops of juice of fresh tulsi leaves in the ear that is paining. Warm the juice slightly before putting it in the ear. This will bring relief to the earache and also cure any mild ear infection.

Honey - Honey is highly beneficial in the treatment of middle ear infection or infection of 'Otitis Media'. This disease is characterized by infection of the ear leading to pus discharge through perforated eardrum. Put 2 - 3 drops  of honey in the infected ear. This will drain out the pus and will help the ear to heal fast.

Linseed oil (alsi ka tel) - If the ears are paining,  put 2-3 drops of linseed oil in the ears with the help of a dropper. The earache will be cured.

Margosa (neem - bitter) - Margosa leaves are known to possess pain-killing property and steam fomentation of neem decoction brings quick relief to earache. Boil a handful of neem leaves in one litre of water and foment the painful ear with the steam that is emitted. This will give relief to earache.

To treat  boils in the ear, mix fresh juice of neem leaves with equal quantity of honey and warm it a little. Put a few drops in the ear that has boils. Do this regularly and it will bring relief to the boils. Margosa (neem) oil is also a useful instillation for inflammation and pain in the ears.

Mint (pudina) - Put 2-3 drops of juice of mint leaves in the ears to cure any sort of ear infection.

Olive oil – Warm a little Verbascum or olive oil and put 2-3 drops in the  painful  ear, this will help ease the pain and also soften the wax and aid its easy removal.

Onion - Take some raw onion juice and warm it. Put 2-3 drops in the ear that is paining. Do this twice a day. This will relieve the earache and also cure any sort of ear infection or ear inflammation. It is also beneficial if there is pus in the ears. It also loosens the wax in the ears, which can then be easily removed.

Poppy seeds (khus khus) - To treat inflammation of the ears, apply a paste of poppy seeds around the painful ear. It will bring relief.

Radish (mooli) - Mix the juice of radish leaves with sesame oil in equal quantities. Boil this mixture till only the oil is left in the pan. Cool it, filter it and store it in a glass bottle. Whenever there is pain in the ears, put 2-3 drops in the painful ear after warming it slightly. The earache will be cured.

Sesame oil (til ka tel) - Warm some  sesame oil  along with a couple of garlic cloves and put 2-3 drops in the ears. This will soften the wax in the ears, which can then be easily cleaned. This is also beneficial in treating earache.Drink a lot of water and increase the intake of dates, figs (anjeer) and fresh fruit juices.  This helps treat All these items should be put together.

Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Constipation Home Remedies

Constipation Home Remedies

A drink of a lemon juice or lime, or salted tomato may do the trick. It is recommended that this must be taken in the morning or prior to any meal. Also, to achieve a better bowel movement, the simplest home remedy for constipation is a regular intake of considerable amount of fibrous foods, to cleanse the stomach of unnecessary digestive tract materials. In the absence of fiber, herbal tea may also do the job. It works in the same process as with fiber.

Normal Bowel Movements or Not, You May Still Be Needing A Home Remedy for Constipation.

Constipation is generally characterized by difficulty in bowel movement following the symptoms of becoming sluggish, bloated and uncomfortable. This is the condition for which dry and small bowel movements are released for less than thrice a week. However, there are no specific times of bowel movements to determine if a person is constipated or having regular bowel movements. Depending on the person, normal bowel movements may be thrice a day or a week. Additionally, there are individuals who have naturally firmer stool.

Constipation is a common gastrointestinal condition felt by 2 million Americans . Yet a larger number of sufferers no longer seek medical health and resolve in treating themselves by means of a home remedy for constipation.

To further understand how constipation occurs, it is best to know how does the larger intestine (colon) works. Water is absorbed when the food passes through the colon. This then forms the stool. Contraction on the colon muscles will move the stool, towards the rectum. Once the stool reaches the rectum, water has already been absorbed, thus drier and semi-liquid stool is produced. Firmer waste products may result for some; this is due to too much absorption of water or sluggish muscle contractions in the colon. Ultimately resulting to constipation.

Moreover, constipation is a resultant of the following factors:

1.  Not having enough fiber in the diet
2. Lack of essential liquids
3. Absence or lack of exercise
4.  Medications
5. Laxatives
6. Delaying bowel movements
7. Colon, rectum and intestinal problems
8. Result of specific disease

Having said that, home remedies for constipation can be better determined through resolving these

A simple home remedy for constipation is to eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables (i.e. kiwi, orange, papaya, cabbage, beans, asparagus) and whole grains and wheat. Primarily, fiber aids in preventing the formation of dry and hard stools.

Another home remedy for constipation is the regular drinking of eight to ten glasses of water, as most medical books suggest. This will help in adding liquids in the colon, thus bulk in stool, producing softer bowel movements. Constipation patients may add lemon juice to their drinks, or soluble fiber, this practice is generally adopted as a home remedy for constipation. Liquids that contain high content of caffeine have dehydrating effects. Constipated people must avoid consumption of drinks like coffee, alcohol and soft drinks.

In addition to these, constipation may be a result of lack in exercise. A person who has experienced accident or illness recently and cannot move from their bed normally gets constipated. This may not sound like a home remedy for constipation but exercising may act like one.

People with spastic colon or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can greatly affect the bowel movements as this condition may bring along diarrhea, gassiness, abdominal cramping, and irregular bowel movements. In this, a home remedy for constipation may employ the use of laxatives or enemas, but only for a limited duration of time. These are available in tablet, gel, liquid, gum and granule forms.

People experiencing mild cases need not use laxatives as a home remedy for constipation. This are usually unnecessary and may lead to abuse of the product. Also, this can be habit forming as the body may rely on the effects of the laxatives before bringing about regular bowel movement. Moreover, over use of this item may cause the nerve cells to damage and may obstruct the capacity to normally contract.

Tips to Prevent Pimples

Tips to Prevent Pimples

Pimples is really a problem that faced by teenagers nowadays. In this post, I got some tips to prevent this irritating pimples coming out to our face. Our face suppose to be bright, clean and looking nice,right. Here is the tips:

1. Never frequently touch the face with our hands, bacteria might get contact with our face and start breeding and it will lead to pimples.

2. Personal hygiene is utmost important, for instance, blanket, bedsheet, pillow and towel has to cleaned all the time.

3. Minimize the consumption of junk food, peanuts, and cake which is high in sugar. All this food is contributing to pimples.

4. Exercise can facilitate metabolism, therefore, it will be benefit our health and skin.

5. Balance diet has to practiced, take in a lot of vegetables and fruits and do not take canned food will help to get rid of pimples.

6. Stress can cause pimples, thus, we have find ways to release stress. I suggest exercise or you may find other method to get the stress away. Always think positive and be optimistic in everything we do.

7. Sufficient of sleep is essential. Suggested to sleep before 12 midnight.

8. Beautiful face begin with face washing. We got to wash our face at least twice a day to make it clean.

9. Ultra violet coming from sun is able to damage our skin, so apply anti sunburn lotion to protect our face or skin.

Hope the tips will help to prevent the pimples coming out to our face.

How To Treat Dandruff

How To Treat Dandruff
Every time you comb your hair or wear your favorite LBD, you are by embarrassed by those snowy flakes. Dandruff is ugh and causes problems like itching and acne.

Here are some homemade remedies that will help you get rid of dandruff.

The cause

Dandruff is a scalp ailment and can be cured by keeping your scalp clean. Avoid shampooign your hair everyday to keep dandruff away. Another way is to skip fried foods and chocolates.

Home remedies

Boil a few neem leaves. Cool and then filter the solution. Use this as a last rinse after you shampoo. You can also mix a few sweet neem leaves with basil (tulsi) leaves, grind it into a paste and apply it on your hair for half an hour. Wash this off to get lustrous, dandruff-free locks.

Grandma's advice

Soak a handful of fenugreek (methi) seeds overnight in water, grind it to a fine paste in the morning and apply it for a half hour on your scalp. Wash this off with soap-nut (reetha) solution and rinse with shikakai to condition. Follow this regimen faithfully for beautiful tresses.

Bedtime care

Boil beetroot (chukander) in water and gently massage the liquid into your hair before sleeping. You can also massage your hair with stale curd or a simple concoction of lime and amla juice. Curd is an excellent conditioner, while lime keeps that dandruff away.

Steam therapy

This is the most commonly used way to tackle dandruff and mostly never fails. Gently massage warm coconut oil onto your scalp. Apply the juice of two limes. Now, dip a towel in hot water and cover your scalp and hair with it. Wash it off after two hours for soft, shiny hair. Alternately, apply the paste of raw papaya on your hair and leave it on for ten minutes before shampooing.

1. Add six spoonfuls water, two spoonfuls pure vinegar and apply it on the scalp with cotton wool before going to bed. Tie a towel around your head to protect the pillow. Wash your hair next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Continue this once a week for at least three months.
2. Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with two spoonfuls of vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo after this.
3. Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds in yogurt overnight and apply the curd on your scalp for half an hour before washing in the morning.
4. Hair washed with fenugreek (methi) seed paste prevents dandruff, falling hair, baldness and dandruff keeping the hair long, healthy and black. Just soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water to soften the seeds and grind in the morning to make paste. Before hair wash, apply this paste on scalp and hair and leave it on for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo later.
5. Egg Pack for Dandruff: Beat two eggs and add two tablespoons of water to it. Wet the hair and apply the egg mixture over the hair. Now massage your scalp and let the mixture on for ten minutes to fifteen minutes. Then rinse the hair with lukewarm water. This will keep both dandruff and hair fall problem away from you.

Natural Anti-Dandruff Massage:

* Massage your scalp with warm coconut or castor oil twice a week.
* Massage with the tips of your fingers in a circular movement for at least half an hour.
* Leave it on overnight and shampoo the following morning.
* This prevents the hair from becoming dry and moreover prevents dandruff and falling hair by improving the circulation and strengthening the hair roots.

There you are! Try these homemade tricks to get rid of dandruff 

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