Jumat, 29 November 2013

How to prevent muscle cramps

The muscle spasms or cramps occur when a muscle contracts or involuntarily, which becomes rigid causing pain and discomfort. Often arise at night during sleep or during and after physical exercise. Its causes can be several, from muscle fatigue, lack of minerals and vitamins in the diet to bad postures. Besides knowing treat them properly, it is important to know some tips that can help prevent muscle cramps.

How to prevent muscle cramps

Leading a sedentary life and not doing any physical activity is one of the main causes for the occurrence of muscle cramps. In fact, people who do not exercise in your daily routine are prone to muscle spasms more frequently. That is why sport or follow a regular routine of exercise will help you prevent and also enjoy better health at all times.

Yet it is also true that muscle cramps occur regularly during or after physical exercise, which may be due to prolonged exercise or muscle overload. In this sense, there are certain practices that we can take to prevent muscle cramps in training sessions:

  • Prepare the muscles of our body doing a good warming before starting the exercise, and perform stretching exercises at the end, will help prevent muscle cramps or spasms.
  • Increase our exercise intensity progressively and gradually. It is also essential not to exercise the body to reach a state of maximum exhaustion. 
  • Avoid physical activity when temperatures are extremely high or low.

Another of the most common causes of muscle cramps is the loss of fluids and minerals from the body. Therefore, it is essential to stay well hydrated throughout the day. Do not forget to consume the recommended daily amount of water (2 liters) and, especially, hydrated with plenty of water and sports drinks to make sport and exercise.

How to prevent muscle crampsWatch your diet is also a key factor in preventing muscle cramps, as its recurrent appearance may be due to a lack of minerals such as potassium, magnesium or sodium in the diet. These minerals are essential to keep our muscles in good shape and regulate the distribution of water in the body.

Try to include in your daily diet foods rich in potassium such as bananas, legumes, green leafy vegetables and nuts, and rich in magnesium such as brown rice, soybeans, dry beans, wheat bran or oat, sunflower seeds, etc. It is also good to consume foods high in vitamins C, D and E.

At bedtime, try not to take bad posture. Remain long with poor posture may involve muscle contractions that lead to the occurrence of nocturnal muscle cramps. This condition also occurs in women who abuse the use of high heels in their day to day.

Finally, a good way to prevent muscle cramps or spasms is by performing massages muscle in those areas of the body in which we usually have. The result will be excellent if we go to a good therapist, but we can also try to make them ourselves if possible.

If we follow the above procedures we will be prevent muscle cramps or spasms problems from our daily life and enjoy a healthy life.

Selasa, 26 November 2013

Health Benefits of Red Palm Oil

Health Benefits of Red Palm Oil

The health benefits of olive oil have been touted for many hundreds of years. More recently, coconut oil has become all the rage and hailed by many as the king of oils. But, whatever oil you choose - whether it’s olive, coconut, almond, canola, peanut, safflower, walnut, or even avocado oil - none compare to the powerful nutritional virtues of virgin organic red palm fruit oil.

The health benefits of red palm fruit oil can be achieved by incorporating only 1-2 tablespoons into your daily diet.

Red Palm Fruit Oil vs. Palm Kernel Oil
Regarded as a sacred healing food by many civilizations, including the ancient Egyptians, crude or virgin red palm fruit oil should be regarded as one of the most nutritious edible oils in the world. It is not to be confused with palm kernel oil .

It is derived from the fruit of the oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) and is referred to as "red palm oil" because of its rich dark red color in its unprocessed natural  state. Palm kernel oil is derived from the seed or the kernel.

Power-Packed Contents  

Red palm oil’s health promoting properties are largely attributed to its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory contents. Red palm oil is a rich source of tocotrienol, a powerful form of vitamin E,  lycopene and carotenoids, the latter being responsible for the oil’s distinctive red color in its unprocessed state.

Red palm oil has great science behind it for its beneficial role in fighting heart disease and high cholesterol.

Red palm oil has repeatedly stunned researchers with its heart-protective and cholesterol-lowering properties.  Studies have shown that adding palm oil in the diet can reduce plaque build-up in arteries and, therefore, reverse the process of plaque and prevent blockages formation within blood vessel walls. Science now understands that inflammation in the artery lining is what causes cholesterol to deposit in the first place. So, it makes sense that the protective effects come from the high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory content of the red palm oil which works to quench free radicals and keep inflammation under control.  Apart from helping tear away plaque from blood vessel walls, red palm oil also helps maintain healthy blood pressure and
cholesterol levels.

Brain Health
One of the natural vitamin E forms found in high amounts in red palm oil is known for its neuro-protective properties. When it comes to your brain,  the special form of vitamin-E (tocotrienol) in red palm oil stops destructive damage and improves blood flow to brain cells, which can also help to prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Anti-Cancer Food 
The high antioxidant content of red palm oil makes it a potent anti-cancer food. Though  tocotrienols can be found in rice bran, barley and wheat, red palm oil is the richest source of  tocotrienol. Research suggests that this form of vitamin E may help fight skin, stomach, pancreas, liver, lung, colon, prostate, breast, and other

The  antioxidant power of red palm oil can be of help in protecting against a variety of health  problems, including osteoporosis, asthma, cataracts, macular degeneration, arthritis, and liver disease. It can even slow down the premature aging processes by protecting the skin against damaging UV rays.

Additionally, research has shown that red palm oil promotes  nutrient utilization, improves liver detoxification pathways and improves immune function. 

Selasa, 19 November 2013

6 Steps How to Treating Acne with Lifestyle Changes-p2

Eat healthily. 

Foods that are highly processed and contain a heap of oils greatly increase the number of acne on your body. Getting the proper amount of nutrients from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein facilitate your skin to regenerate faster and limit unnecessary oil production. When in the slightest degree possible, avoid foods that are processed or contain a heap of sugar (suppose junk foods).

Get a minimum of eight hours of sleep. 

Sleeping kills 2 birds with one stone, as it helps to relax your body along with
detoxify it. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, chances are your skin hasn’t had the time or ability to renew its skin cells. Regulate your sleep cycle by visiting bed at a regular time every night and sleeping for no less than eight hours.

Drink lots of water. 

Although we tend to’ve all heard to drink eight glasses of water on a daily basis, there isn’t a group quantity on how abundant water you should consume. Water helps to detoxify your body and purify your skin, thus build certain you drink water often throughout the day.

Relax your body and mind. 

High stress levels result in increased oil production, thus do your mind and your skin a favor by giving yourself it slow to relax. Try taking a bath, reading a book, meditating, or practicing yoga and watch your skin rework in response

Wash your fabrics. 

Any fabric that comes into contact together with your skin on a daily basis - garments, towels, pillowcases, and sheets - should be washed at least once every week to get rid of oil and bacteria that build up over time. Use a light cleanser for sensitive skin to help solve your acne drawback.

Use oil-free makeup. 

If you wear makeup, you'll be stuck in a very vicious cycle of covering up acne while simultaneously causing it together with your cowl-up usage. Find acne-fighting oil-free mineral makeup to help forestall worsening your acne whereas merely trying to hide it. When attainable, avoid carrying makeup at all though as it clogs your pores over the course of the day.

Senin, 18 November 2013

3 Steps How to Treating Acne with Lifestyle Changes-p1

Exercise regularly.

Exercising will a range of things to help scale back your acne. It releases endorphins that lower stress levels and therefore scale back oil-production, and conjointly makes you sweat which cleans out dead skin cells. Try exercising each day for at least thirty minutes to help scale back your acne not solely on your face, however also on your chest, shoulders, and back.

Don’t bit your face. 

This is incredibly difficult, as individuals are at risk of touching their faces on a regular basis. Be careful concerning scratching your face, resting your face on your hands, and selecting at pimples. Never pop your zits or squeeze at pesky blackheads, as this solely introduces more bacteria to your skin and will create your acne worse.

Shower often. 

Although you'll wish to keep your water bill down, showering often helps to stay oil production low, kill bacteria, and rinse away dead skin cells. Wash your entire body with a gentle cleanser and use shampoos that limit oil production in your hair. Be sure to continuously shower once exercising to remove the dead skin cells your body has sloughed off through sweating.

Jumat, 15 November 2013



This is a contagious and an infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus, which enters the body through the nose, mouth and windpipe and then settles down usually  in the lungs (called as the primary tuberculosis) or may settle in the tonsils, bones, intestines, glands, lymphatic system, joints and urinary tract. It multiplies very fast and produces small raised spots called as tubercles. The usual symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis are fatigue, lethargy, decreased appetite, weight loss, low grade fever (especially in the evening), persistent coughing, difficulty in breathing, indigestion and occasionally in later stages blood in the sputum.  


1. Taking a glass full of fresh orange and lemon juice daily also helps since it contains a lot of vitamins useful for quicker healing. 

2. Onion soup should be taken daily. Milk and rice diet is given to the patient. 

3. Garlic  is a wonderful herb for tuberculosis since it contains many vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine and even a few trace minerals. Thus two to three cloves of garlic  or  one to two teaspoonfuls of garlic juice are given to the patient daily. 

4. Boil a few dates in some milk and then after cooling it for some time take this as a nutritive tonic especially for children. 

5. Holy basil (tulsi) leaf juice is also very useful, since it has a few antibiotic properties and is a useful expectorant. 

6. The juice of bananas or banana milkshake is useful for patients with frequent cough, abundant expectoration and high fever.  

7. A teaspoonful of fresh mint juice mixed with two teaspoonfuls of pure malt vinegar and an equal quantity of honey should be stirred in 120 ml of carrot juice and given to the patient thrice daily. 

8. Pineapple juice is found useful to dissolve the mucus and aid faster recovery for tuberculosis patients. 

9. A soup prepared from drumstick leaves (saijan ki phalli) is found useful in this disease. 

10. A mixture of Indian gooseberry (amla) and sesame seeds taken with honey is very effective.



"Whooping cough " is an infectious disease , that commonly affects the young children (commonly from 0-5 years of age) and results in bouts or paroxysms of short, sharp coughs gathering in speed and duration and ending in a deep inspiration during which the characteristic "whoop" is heard. There is extreme exhaustion in the patient and can be life threatening in small babies. Vomiting, which is frequent, may lead to the bursting of the small capillaries in the nose or the conjunctiva. The disease may lasts for several weeks if left untreated. 


1. Boil the peel of pomegranate (anar) in 250 ml of milk and drink it.

2. The leaf juice of holy basil (tulsi) mixed with honey and ginger is very useful.

3. Peach tea or an infusion made from the bark and leaves of the Peach tree are useful for whooping cough when taken atleast thrice daily.

4. A teaspoonful of fresh ginger, mixed with a cup of fenugreek (methi) decoction and honey to taste is an excellent diaphoretic.

5. A teaspoonful of fresh radish juice with an equal quantity of honey and a little rock salt should be given thrice daily.

6. Juice of garlic is sniffed from time to time. Also a mixture of macerated garlic and ghee is rubbed on the chest and between the shoulder blades to give relief in the cough.

7. Linseed is a good remedy for whooping cough.

8. Paste of pecacuan (hing) when applied to the chest, acts as a good stimulant.

9. Five drops of almond oil should be mixed with ten drops each of fresh white onion juice and ginger juice and taken thrice daily for a few weeks.

Rabu, 06 November 2013

Foods for Healthy and Strong Bones

Having healthy and strong bones is essential at every stage of our life and to achieve this and prevent, to the extent possible, diseases such as osteoporosis, it is important to take care of food and include two essential nutrients, calcium and Vitamin D. Both help to keep the bones in optimum condition and ensure good growth. If you want to know what ingredients you can find, in this article we suggest you through a selection of the best foods for healthy and strong bones.

Foods for Healthy and Strong Bones

The milk and other dairy products like yogurt and cheese are, as we know, one of the main sources of calcium and are essential to healthy and strong bones. Are preferred low-fat dairy products, they are healthier and offer the same or greater calcium intake than the rest. It's recommended daily consumption of 3-4 servings of dairy products, so you can complement or supplement the milk with yogurt and a few ounces of cheese. A highly recommended product today, for lactose intolerant, is soy milk, although it does not contain much calcium, is very rich in vitamin D, essential for the body to absorb calcium and growth bones.

Among the blue fish, find some like salmon, sardines and tuna are excellent for strengthening bones. Its rich content of vitamin D and omega 3 makes it especially good for increasing bone mass, since they increase the absorption of calcium in our body. They are very tasty and healthy food, so do not hesitate to include them in your diet, you can take them in different ways, either grilled, marinated or with salad, pasta, etc.

Another food that helps maintains strong bones are the spinach. In fact, this vegetable dish contributes approximately 25% of the recommended amount of calcium, and also allows us to benefit from their content rich in fiber, iron and vitamin A. Similarly, other vegetables that are good for the care of our bones are broccoli, chard, turnip and cabbage.

Foods for Healthy and Strong BonesNuts such as hazelnuts and almonds are also a rich source of calcium. Besides being great for the strength of our bones, provide an important contribution of vitamin E, iron and protein to our body, so take them without overdoing it a good choice for our health.

The egg yolk contains enough amount of vitamin D and, being one of the more easily incorporate foods in our diet, turns out to be an ingredient that we can use to promote bone density and strengthen bones.

Other ingredients that can be taken daily and that will help us to have healthy and stronger bones are cereals such as oats and wheat. They are ideal to take with milk, yogurt or as a component of salads or other dishes.

Minggu, 03 November 2013

Acidity and Heartburns

Acidity and Heartburns

Sometimes the gastric glands in the stomach are over productive in secreting the hydrochloric acid which is necessary to break down the food that is eaten. When this happens, acidity and heartburn often develop. This can cause a painful burning sensation which may be the result of chronic acid reflux. The pain can be very disturbing because people often confuse it for a heart attack.

Natural Home Remedies
Many home remedies work well to neutralize stomach acid and prevent damage to the esophagus and intestinal tract. The following suggestions may prevent acidity and heartburn from becoming disruptive:

1. Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and honey with a cup of water and drink just prior to each meal to control acidity.

2. Eliminate spices and fruits that have not yet ripened from the diet.

3. Drink a glass of milk with each meal.

4. Eat a cup of yogurt as a snack between meals.

5. Chew food longer and slow the eating process by putting down the fork between bites.

6. Add watermelon, bananas, and cucumber to the diet to cool heartburn.

7. Try a cup of chamomile tea for heart burn.

8. Try to reduce events that cause a stressful reaction and use meditation or deep breathing to relax.

8. Always sleep with the head much higher than the rest of the body to relieve the pressure that causes acid reflux to be more severe.

9. Drink a glass of green tea sweetened with molasses to neutralize acids.

10. Eat six small meals, rather than three large one, because a overeating aggravates acid reflux.

11. Chew gum until the heartburn disappears.

12. Eat a stick of raw celery to end heartburn quickly.

Some of these remedies will work better for one person than another depending on the cause of the acidity or heartburn.
Pregnant women seem to have excellent results from chewing gum while cider vinegar sometimes works better for those under stress.

Sabtu, 02 November 2013

Hair Care Tips For Any Length and Style

Hair Care Tips For Any Length and Style
Regardless of its length or style, we all want one thing: a healthy, great looking head of hair. But the first step to having healthy, luxurious hair is to know its exact type. Is it oily, dry or normal? It your hair naturally curly or straight? Are you troubled by dandruff? Has your hair been processed in some way? Is it brittle or strong? Knowing your true starting point will allow you to better care for your hair and keep it looking its absolute best.

With short hairstyles, it’s important to protect your hair and your scalp every time you are in the sun. Look for protective styling products, and be sure to wear a hat to avoid sunburn. If your hair is short and curly, you should know that curly hair tends to break easier and needs more moisture than other types of hair.The key to keeping medium-length to long hair beautiful and healthy looking is to protect it from split ends and becoming brittle. The longer hair is, the heavier it is, and as a result, more prone to breakage. If you have long or medium-length hair, never use a rubber band to pull your hair back into a ponytail as they can pull and damage hair. Instead, use a something elastic that is covered in a soft cloth to avoid breaking the delicate hair shafts.

Here are a few simple do’s and don’ts to remember for every length and style of hair :

6 Essential Hair Care Do’s :

- Do gently brush your hair each night before going to bed as it will stimulate blood flow to your scalp and promote healthy hair growth.

- Do be sure to hold the hair dryer at least six to eight inches away from your hair and keep it moving at all times to avoid scorching the hair.

- Do gently wash your hair using a mild shampoo suitable for your type of hair with lukewarm water.

- Do use a conditioner to keep your hair manageable, healthy, and free of tangles.

- Do be sure to drink plenty of water and follow a balanced diet. Many people aren’t aware of the important role that proper nutrition plays regarding healthy hair care. Water is essential to keep your body and hair properly hydrated.

- Do try to avoid touching your hair unnecessarily as the oils from your hands can cause your hair to lose its luster and become dirtier faster.

6 Essential Hair Care Don’ts :

- Don’t brush wet hair, use a comb instead to avoid pulling and risking breakage.

- Don’t blow-dry your hair every day, the constant heat will cause it to become brittle and prone to breakage. Likewise, use your curling iron on the lowest possible setting.

- Don’t over process your hair using strong dyes and chemicals. If you do relax your hair or have it permanently waved, be sure to wait as long as possible in between treatments to avoid over processing and damage.

- Don’t change your hair color to more than three shades, in either direction, lighter or darker, to avoid excessive damage.

- Don’t wash your hair in extra hot water, instead use warm, and use cool water for the final rinse.
- Don’t allow stress to adversely affect your health, including your hair.

Jumat, 01 November 2013

Check your healths, learn about cholesterol

Check your healths
Check your healths, learn about cholesterol

You will know that just how healthy you are when you check your cholesterol on a regularly basis. You will also find that your doctor will break down that report so that you have several numbers and a real understanding of just how healthy you are. With all the medical advances, that you will come across you’ll be able to know exactly what part of your cholesterol is out of control and how your overall progress is doing.

You will be getting the numbers with an explanation, but it still can be very confusing. It is very difficult to explain what you are told to someone else. You will want to get a cholesterol testing kit so that you can test yourself in the comfort of your own home. You may find that it is difficult to understand the kit, but if you learn how to do the math, then you will be able to understand your results and the numbers.

You will first be given a number for your bad cholesterol that is often referred to as low density lipids cholesterol. This is commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol” and you can remember this by using the L to stand for Lower—you want to be sure to lower this type of cholesterol. The bad cholesterol will end up making about 65-75% of your total cholesterol, however, you should make sure that your total number is at least lower than 130. Because LDL cholesterol is the type that causes heart attacks, if you have other risk factors such as obesity or a family history of heart disease, you want to keep this number even lower, less than 100 if possible. Your diet is very important in many ways, but it will lower your bad cholesterol levels.

You will then realize that your second number is your good cholesterol or HDL. This is a high density lipid cholesterol. You can always remember that your HDL is healthy by remembering the link to the “h”. You will want this to be of at least 35 or higher for men, but 40 or higher for women. Women have an easier time raising HDL levels than men do, but this can be done through exercise and not smoking.

As for your last number, you will fid that it is your total cholesterol level that will add both your good and bad together. You will find that if you keep your LDL and HDL levels normal, then you will be able to have a good total cholesterol level. However, you should consult your doctor if you have any questions about your cholesterols and the numbers. They will be able to place you on medication so that you can have a healthy life with the cholesterol under control.

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