Rabu, 06 November 2013

Foods for Healthy and Strong Bones

Having healthy and strong bones is essential at every stage of our life and to achieve this and prevent, to the extent possible, diseases such as osteoporosis, it is important to take care of food and include two essential nutrients, calcium and Vitamin D. Both help to keep the bones in optimum condition and ensure good growth. If you want to know what ingredients you can find, in this article we suggest you through a selection of the best foods for healthy and strong bones.

Foods for Healthy and Strong Bones

The milk and other dairy products like yogurt and cheese are, as we know, one of the main sources of calcium and are essential to healthy and strong bones. Are preferred low-fat dairy products, they are healthier and offer the same or greater calcium intake than the rest. It's recommended daily consumption of 3-4 servings of dairy products, so you can complement or supplement the milk with yogurt and a few ounces of cheese. A highly recommended product today, for lactose intolerant, is soy milk, although it does not contain much calcium, is very rich in vitamin D, essential for the body to absorb calcium and growth bones.

Among the blue fish, find some like salmon, sardines and tuna are excellent for strengthening bones. Its rich content of vitamin D and omega 3 makes it especially good for increasing bone mass, since they increase the absorption of calcium in our body. They are very tasty and healthy food, so do not hesitate to include them in your diet, you can take them in different ways, either grilled, marinated or with salad, pasta, etc.

Another food that helps maintains strong bones are the spinach. In fact, this vegetable dish contributes approximately 25% of the recommended amount of calcium, and also allows us to benefit from their content rich in fiber, iron and vitamin A. Similarly, other vegetables that are good for the care of our bones are broccoli, chard, turnip and cabbage.

Foods for Healthy and Strong BonesNuts such as hazelnuts and almonds are also a rich source of calcium. Besides being great for the strength of our bones, provide an important contribution of vitamin E, iron and protein to our body, so take them without overdoing it a good choice for our health.

The egg yolk contains enough amount of vitamin D and, being one of the more easily incorporate foods in our diet, turns out to be an ingredient that we can use to promote bone density and strengthen bones.

Other ingredients that can be taken daily and that will help us to have healthy and stronger bones are cereals such as oats and wheat. They are ideal to take with milk, yogurt or as a component of salads or other dishes.

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