Jumat, 01 November 2013

Check your healths, learn about cholesterol

Check your healths
Check your healths, learn about cholesterol

You will know that just how healthy you are when you check your cholesterol on a regularly basis. You will also find that your doctor will break down that report so that you have several numbers and a real understanding of just how healthy you are. With all the medical advances, that you will come across you’ll be able to know exactly what part of your cholesterol is out of control and how your overall progress is doing.

You will be getting the numbers with an explanation, but it still can be very confusing. It is very difficult to explain what you are told to someone else. You will want to get a cholesterol testing kit so that you can test yourself in the comfort of your own home. You may find that it is difficult to understand the kit, but if you learn how to do the math, then you will be able to understand your results and the numbers.

You will first be given a number for your bad cholesterol that is often referred to as low density lipids cholesterol. This is commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol” and you can remember this by using the L to stand for Lower—you want to be sure to lower this type of cholesterol. The bad cholesterol will end up making about 65-75% of your total cholesterol, however, you should make sure that your total number is at least lower than 130. Because LDL cholesterol is the type that causes heart attacks, if you have other risk factors such as obesity or a family history of heart disease, you want to keep this number even lower, less than 100 if possible. Your diet is very important in many ways, but it will lower your bad cholesterol levels.

You will then realize that your second number is your good cholesterol or HDL. This is a high density lipid cholesterol. You can always remember that your HDL is healthy by remembering the link to the “h”. You will want this to be of at least 35 or higher for men, but 40 or higher for women. Women have an easier time raising HDL levels than men do, but this can be done through exercise and not smoking.

As for your last number, you will fid that it is your total cholesterol level that will add both your good and bad together. You will find that if you keep your LDL and HDL levels normal, then you will be able to have a good total cholesterol level. However, you should consult your doctor if you have any questions about your cholesterols and the numbers. They will be able to place you on medication so that you can have a healthy life with the cholesterol under control.

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