Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

5 Quick Health Tips That Your Body Will Thank You For

Many of us live very fast paced lives that we never seem to have the time to stop and think about whether we are looking after our health properly. If you are the sort of person who never seems to have enough time then the following 5 quick health tips will help you.
Tip 1: Start the morning with a short 5 minute breathing exercise. You can do this standing or lying down. The key thing is to breathe deeply to the pit of your stomach to a count of 7. Then release quickly for a count of 4.

Tip 2: Following your breathing exercise drink a glass of warm filtered water and include a slice of lemon if you have it. This will help to cleanse and lubricate your digestive system. Have another glass of warm water in the evening time.

Tip 3: Eating a meal when you are stressed out or when you're on the move is a fast track to indigestion. You will not be able to digest your food properly. Therefore, acquire the habit of finding a quiet place to sit down, relax and enjoy your meal in peace.

Tip 4: Gandhi once said that you should drink your food. Meaning the food we eat should be digested in the mouth before it reaches the stomach. Many people do not take the time to chew their food properly. They swallow whole chunks of food which does nothing but put more stress on an already over worked digestive system. Chew your food slowly and savour every flavour of the food you eat. Chewing slowly has many benefits because it enables your digestive to get the maximum amount of nutrients out of your food. It also avoids the risk of undigested food getting trapped and bunging up your intestinal tracts where toxins can breed.

Tip 5: Eating food and drinking liquids that are either too hot or too cold can affect the balance of your body. Different temperatures that are extreme can weaken the functions of the organs such as the spleen. If you eat very hot food then you can actually burn the sensitive membrane on the surface of your mouth and stomach lining. Over time this can lead to serious health complications. Before you put any food or drink to your mouth make sure it is not too hot or cold before you swallow.

With over 2 years experience as a freelance writer, Tim Bose writes on topics he is passionate about. His new website provides useful information on free standing mirror products and a replacement mirror glass services.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Bose

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