Jumat, 10 Mei 2013


When a blow occurs, blood vessels under the skin tend to rupture and the blood seeps into the surrounding tissue and the seeped blood shows through the skin as a darkened blue and black discoloration and a possible swelling with soreness. Bruises are also common in older women whose skin is thinning with aging, because collagen, the connective tissue that cushions the skin, breaks down, leaving the underlying blood vessels more vulnerable. Elderly women, who are taking multiple medications for diseases, including blood thinners like aspirin, also have an increased risk of bruising.

Bruises should heal on its own in a few days, evolving through colors like reddish-blue, then purplish-black, then yellowish-green. Bruises on the legs are usually more severe and slower to heal since there is more blood pressure in the blood vessels of the leg and so they bleed more than the blood vessels in the arms. Following a bruise, apply ice or any chilled substance to the area to decrease the seepage of blood from the injured blood vessels to limit the size of the lump and the pain. Also raise the affected part to decrease the swelling and thus the pain. After 24 hours of applying ice, apply heat to the affected part to improve the blood circulation to sweep away the fluids and blood cells faster. Wrap an elastic bandage around the bruised area immediately (especially if its on the leg) to apply mild pressure to the broken blood vessels. The support might prevent the vessels from  leaking as much blood, thus minimizing the severity of the bruise. A cloth (preferably linen) is soaked in cold water and applied locally over the bruise, which should be replaced at regular intervals.


1. If you are prone to bruising, it's a good habit to eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C like asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, green peppers, kale, snow peas and sweet potatoes; fruits such as cantaloupes, grapefruits (chakotra), guavas,  honeydew melons, Indian Gooseberry (amla), oranges, strawberries and tangerines.

2. Apply aloe vera gel over the bruise.

3. An ointment made out of pulp of unripe tamarind (imli) and sesame oil is a good application.

4. Bread blended with water or milk or a paste of arrowroot and water when bandaged over a bruise, hastens the healing process.

5. Poultice of leaves of Henna plant (mehndi) is boiled with sesame oil and bandaged over the bruised part.

6. Ten drops of the tincture of Myrrh shaken up in four ounces of distilled extract of Witch Hazel is a good application for sprains, bruises, sores and wounds.

7.  Cajuput oil is a useful application over the bruise or sprain.

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