Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

7 tips to better cope with shift work

A necessary part of some professions, shift work can disrupt your internal biological clock. The good news is that by taking small practical steps, you can enjoy your work and keep your health intact too. Shift work involves working outside the normal working hours of around 8 am to 6 pm.

"If you cannot avoid shift work, there are ways to reduce its health risks," says Dr Fong Yuke Tien, senior consultant and director of Occupational Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Singapore General Hospital (SGH).

Tips to better cope with shift work
  • Minimise working on continuous night shifts.
Working on night shifts continuously for days and weeks in a row will change your sleep pattern and make it harder for you to get to sleep at your normal sleeping time
  • Adhere to a set shift work pattern.
A set shift work pattern means working the same number of hours and at the same time. This may help the body adjust better to the new work schedule.
  • Get enough rest.
Working continuously without a rest break to sleep will lead to fatigue. This will increase accident proneness and inattention. It will also lead to an increased sleep debt.
  • Create a sleep-conducive environment.
Keep your bedroom quiet and dark which is more conducive to sleep.

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Weight Loss and Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies helps you in Weight loss

Now a days people are suffering for over weighted health problems, they are founding the suitable ways to weight lose. To lose weight, we can not only dieting or going to the gym, but we can also recruit the help of nature for our better health.

There are many herbs, foods or herbs that help to eliminate those extra kilos, but naturally, without resorting to chemicals that can affect our health and that people with a disease cannot eat.

One of the key advantages of medicinal plants is that we can consume at any time of day. It can be prepared in infusions, detections or eating in preparations. Here are five herbs to lose weight.

Green tea

Health Tips

Green tea becomes more popular in West to lose weight. It is an ancient beverage, very traditional in China. The green tea known as green tea because it’s has a very brief drying process before consumed.

The most popular properties of green tea allied with weight loss. It’s helping to burn more calories and lowers cholesterol levels in our body.

Green tea should place a teaspoon in a cup of boiling water and let stand for three minutes, if you prefer you can also prepare a tea spoonful in a quart of water and go drinking it throughout the day.

There is no known contraindications even green tea, except for those with gastric problems or who have intolerance to caffeine, because if it contains less caffeine than coffee, its levels are high.


Health Tips

Watercress is a safe to eat plant of which there are many varieties. Not everyone used to eating watercress, but is rich in all kinds of salads, especially in combination with other green vegetables like spinach.

Watercress are extremely rich in vitamins, like vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, etc. and minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. Watercress has a lot of specialty for our body, especially it help us to lose weight because it is very low in calories and a powerful diuretic, and entrails accelerator. Which definitely help us to weight loss.


Health Tips

Litchi is a fruit very showy, native to China. Outside is pink and wrinkled skin and inside is white and tender, with a large seed in the center. It consists of large amounts of water, which favors its diuretic properties and make it a suitable fruit for weight loss.
Studies in Japan, indicated that people who consumed Litchi during a period of time, reduced their abdominal fat, but in turn obtained other health benefits linked to the prevention of diabetes and hypertension, in turn has great antioxidant properties thanks to its high content of vitamin C.

It is also a very sweet delicious fruit and low in calories, ideal dessert to suppress, which will also help us lose weight.


Health Tips

Onion is another medicinal plants suited to help us lose weight.

Familiar characteristic of the onion helped with weight loss are: purifying is therefore accelerates the intestinal is diuretic, for which stimulates the renal system, preventing fluid retention, and finally controls the operation of the system tract.
For the onions retain their properties as cash is eaten raw, with it you can make teas, smoothies, salads and juices.


Health Tips

Horehound, aka grass frog, is an herb that grows as a bush. Its stems are long and the leaves are off-white and can be recognized by its distinctive aroma similar to that of the apple.

Horehound has great slimming properties, as their consumption reduces appetite, aids digestion and helps eliminate body gases. The most traditional way to eat horehound is brewing in boiling water and drink several times a day.
At the same time have excellent results in treatments for asthma, bronchitis and colds, in these cases it is best to sprays, or even bathing.


In general, all these herbal plants are harmless, but none of them is recommended without consulting your doctor, especially in children under three, pregnant women or people suffering from illness.

Also remember that weight loss is not sufficient to consume herbal plants, but also have to make a low calorie diet and exercise.

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