Selasa, 30 Maret 2010


1. From which the original gas?
Of gas in the intestines.
Intestinal gas in the air I come from we swallow, gas penetrating into the intestines from the blood, gas and gas from chemical reactions of bacteria in the stomach.

2. What is the composition of gas?
Vary. The more air you swallow, the more the rate of nitrogen gas (oxygen from air diaserap by the body before they reach the intestine). The existence of bacteria and chemical reactions between stomach acid and intestinal fluids to produce carbon dioxide. Bacteria also produce methane and hydrogen. Propors each gas depending on what you eat, how much swallowed air, type of bacteria in the intestine, how long we hold flatus. Longer withstand wind, the higher the proportion of nitrogen, because the other gases absorbed by the blood through the intestinal walls. People who eat haste rate of oxygen in the more wind there's no time because the body absorbs oxygen.

3. Why fart smell?
Because the smell of hydrogen sulfide gas & merkaptan. Both these materials contain sulfur (sulfur). The more sulfur content in your food, the more & merkaptan sulfide produced by the stomach bakteri & busuklah more you fart. Eggs & meat has a big role in memproduksi flatus odor. Bean-bean memproduksi role in the volume of gas is not in kebusukannya.

4. Why fart sounds cause?
Because vibrasi hole `anal` when wind produced. Severity depending on the sound speed of gas.

5. Why do I smell the warm wind and no sound?
One source is wind bacterium. Fermentation and bacterial digestion process memproduksi heat, gas revenue side is bad. Measurement of gas bubbles smaller and warm with bacterial metabolic products malodorous. This later became the wind, even small volumenya, but SBD (Silent But Deadly)

6. How much gas produced per day?
Average half liters a day about 14 times.

7. Why is gas out through the anus hole?
Density because his lighter, why not fart gas to travel to the top? Not so. Intestinal peristalsis push the contents toward the bottom. Pressure around the anus `` lower. Intestinal peristalsis have the space pressure, forced up to fill the intestines, including gas-it to move to a lower pressure, which is about `anal`. On the way to the `anal` bubble-bubble of small bubbles merge so large. If there is no peristalsis, gasakan bubble bust up again, but not too much, because I form complex intestinal & berbelit-Believe.

8. How much time needed by the wind to travel to the nose of others?
Depending on the condition of air, such as humidity, temperature, wind speed & direction, wind gas molecular weight, the distance between 'transmitter' and 'receiver'. Similarly, leaving the source, spread and concentrated fart gas decreases. If the wind is not detected in a few seconds, it means pengcernaan experience in air & air swallowed lost forever. Unless you fart in a narrow space, such as lift, cars, more concentrated, so the scent will be hovering in a fairly long time until finally absorbed wall.

9. What each person fart?
Certainly, if still alive. Shortly after meninggalpun people can still wind.

10. Are men fart more often than women?
No association with gender ... If true, means that women hold kentutnya, & apabla want to fart, I produced numerous number.

11. When what people usually wind?
Morning in the toilet. called "morning thunder". If resonansinya good, can be heard all over the house.

12. Why eat beans cause many fart?
Legumes contain sugar I can not be digested body. The sugar (raffinose, stachiose, verbascose) if to the intestinal bacteria in the intestine, partying and making a lot of gas. Corn, cabbage, milk also causes a lot of wind (not eat!).

13. Besides food, what other causes wind?
Swallowed air, eat in a hurry, without chewed food, drink `` soft drink, increased aircraft (because air pressure is lower, so the gas in the intestines has emerged as wind & expansion).

14. What with the wind Sendawa, but emerged from another hole?
Not ... Sendawa emerged from the stomach, the composition of other chemically with gas. Sendawa contains more air, gas containing gas produced by bacteria more.

15. Where perginya gas if gas is not released was arrested?
.. But not absorbed by blood, not disappeared because leaking .. I migrated to the upper intestine and the head will turn out well. Be not disappeared, but only a delay.

16. Is it possible to burn gas?
Can only. Flatus containing methane, hydrogen yg Combustible (natural gas containing components also). If burned, nyala his blue because the element hydrogen.

17. Can light a match with the wind?
Do not trump up ... other consistency. Also temperatures are not warm enough to start burning.

18. Why dogs & cats more fart smell?
Because dogs and cats are carnivores (meat eaters). Meat rich in protein. Protein contains many sulfur, so the smell of flatus is more animal smell. Other herbivore such as sheep, horses, elephants, the memproduksi fart more, longer, stronger sound, but relatively odorless.

19. Are headaches if smell smell gas 2-3 times in a row?
Flatus contains less oxygen, may experience a few headaches if you smell gas smell too much.

20. What color fart?
Not colored. If `color` orange as nitrogen oxide, aka who fart sensation occurring .. hehehe

21. What gas is acid or neutral?
Acid, because pregnant karbondioksisa (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

22. What happens if someone fart in the planet Venus?
Planet Venus already contains sulfur (sulfur) in the layer of air, so there is no wind effects.

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