Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

No drugs cure high blood pressure.

No drugs cure high blood pressure.

All drugs against hypertension without exception, are toxic and have distressing side effects.
The safest way to cure hypertension is to remove the real cause.

The natural way of dealing with it is to eliminate the poisons from the system which cause it. Persons with high blood pressure should always follow a well-balanced routine of proper diet, exercise and rest.

Diet is of primary importance. Meat and eggs cause the blood pressure to rise more
than any other food. The pressure is lowered and blood clotting diminished by partaking of a
higher fruit content, lower protein and non-flesh diet.

A natural diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of a traditional diet, is helpful in getting rid of the poisons from the body.

A hypertension patient should start the process of healing by living on an exclusive fruit-diet for
at least a week, and take fruits at five-hourly intervals thrice in the day.

Oranges, apples, pears,mangoes, guava, pineapples, raspberry, water-melon are the best diet in such cases. Bananas and jack fruit should not be taken. Milk may be taken after a week of "fruits only"' diet.

The milk should be fresh and should be boiled only once. The patient can be permitted cereals in his food after two weeks.

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

How to avoid heart disease

heart attack, blood pressure,
heart attack, blood pressure,
Heart Disease overview

Heart Disease is one of the world’s largest health problems today. It not only affects the wealthier nations it is also affecting the poorer ones. Heart Disease covers a wide range of health ailments relating specifically to the heart.

There are many theories and ideas that relate to heart disease. One school of thought for the sudden increase in heart disease is the changes within different lifestyles. People are often less active and eat diets high in fats. Takeaway food is abundant today and often people will eat it due to the increased availability. Some takeaway outlets are now helping cater to a healthier lifestyle by offering a variety of healthy dishes such as salads. People are becoming more aware of the risk of heart disease and choosing to change their diets.

Why exercise? Exercise is extremely important in order to avoid heart disease. Exercise helps to keep the heart at its peak performance and is optimum health is easier to maintain. By using a combination of exercise and a balanced diet, the risk of heart disease is greatly decreased.

The term “Cardiovascular Disease” is widely used within today’s society. The term Cardiovascular Disease includes a large number of diseases which directly affect the heart and the blood vessel system. It especially affects the veins and arteries that lead to and from the heart.

Conducted research has suggested that women who suffer with cardiovascular disease usually suffer from forms that affect the blood vessels. While men usually suffer from forms that affect the heart muscle itself. Other known or associated causes of cardiovascular disease include diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.

Heart disease and strokes are other more common cardiovascular diseases. Two independent risk factors that have a major impact for heart diseases plus cardiovascular diseases are high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

What Can Raise Your Blood Pressure?

What Can Raise Your Blood Pressure
What Can Raise Your Blood Pressure
What Can Raise Your Blood Pressure?

Are you concerned about what might increase your blood pressure? There are quite a few things that can factor in to raising your blood pressure. Luckily you can fix many of these with a few lifestyle changes.

If you do not watch your blood pressure frequently, you might not even be aware that you have it. It can creep up on you or just increase over the years. It all depends on many different factors.

If you are overweight you are at an increased risk of developing high blood pressure. You might already know this and you might not. If this is the case for you, consult your doctor and see what he might recommend for you. Losing at least ten pounds can significantly lower your blood pressure.

An unhealthy diet or lack of physical activity or exercise can also put you at risk for high blood pressure. Try to exercise at least thirty minutes a day even if you have to space the time out. Eating less salt and more vegetables and fruits can help lower your blood pressure as well. Try to incorporate this into your present diet and you will see the results rather quickly.

Stress plays a huge factor in high blood pressure and unfortunately everyone is stressed at some point in their lives. If you deal with a high amount of stress, consider relaxation techniques. Do whatever you can that you know will calm you down and help relieve stress.

Using tobacco and alcohol raise your blood pressure. If you use either of these consider quitting. If you are unable to quit right away, limit your consumption of alcohol and use of tobacco. There are many over the counter and prescription products to help rid your self of these habits. Talk with your doctor of any concerns you might have.

Medical conditions also factor into high blood pressure along with your lifestyle. Kidney disease can result in high blood pressure as well as cause it.  Sleeping disorders that interrupt your breathing during sleep will also raise your blood pressure. Talking with your doctor about your condition could benefit your disorder along with your blood pressure.

Certain medications and drugs can also raise your blood pressure. Certain types of anti-depressants will do this as well as certain cold medicines. Be aware of oral contraceptives, nasal decongestants, anorexia drugs and steroids. These can possibly raise your blood pressure as well so talk with your doctor before taking any of them if you are concerned.

While you can control most of the factors that raise your blood pressure there are some you cannot. For instance your race; African Americans are more prone to high blood pressure, people over fifty-five are at a higher risk, and your family history can play a role in your blood pressure as well. While you cannot control these factors you can easily try to help decrease your risk. Watch your diet, exercise, lifestyle habits, etc. Over time this may be very beneficial to you.

High blood pressure can cause strokes and even heart and kidney diseases. Leading a healthier life style can help you live longer and enjoy your time in a healthy state. Talk with your doctor about any questions or concerns you may have concerning your blood pressure. It is never too late to take control.

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

25 Interesting Facts about Girls

25 Interesting Facts about Girls
1. The vagina is only as deep as your middle finger.

2. The vagina keeps itself clean and healthy by constantly producing mucus which turns white when it’s exposed to the air.Discharge also prevents the vagina from drying out. Discharge will begin to appear some time before your first period begins.

3. Females can ovulate before they have their period.

4. Cramps and painful periods may be caused by low calcium and magnesium levels.

5. The usual amount of blood lost during a period is between one and six tablespoons(120 ml blood and tissue).

6. Menstrual fluid is mostly made up of water.

7. A lot of girls’ hymen are broken through using a tampon or during active sports such as horse back riding or cycling. Masturbation, too, can break the hymen. There is an opening in the hymen that lets menstrual fluid flow out.

8. The fallopian tubes are about 10 cm long. The egg travels from the ovary to the uterus along these tubes.

9. Girls are born with about 300,000 eggs.

10. Ovary is about the size of a walnut/olive. The uterus is about the size of a pear/clenched fist.

11. The average woman has about 500 periods in her lifetime.

12. If a tampon has absorbed as much as it can and has to be changed within 4 hours, try a tampon with a higher absorbency. If a tampon still has lots of white patches showing when you take it out after about four hours, try a tampon with lower absorbency. Change your tampon every 4-8 hours.

13. PMS symptoms: breast tenderness, feeling swollen or bloated, change in appetite, headaches, acne or skin rash, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal cramps, feeling sad/tired/irritable or clumsy.

14. You get cramps when your uterus contracts (squeezes) slightly to help get rid of most of its lining.

15. If you are taking the birth control pill these five drugs may interfere with its effectiveness: antihistamines, alcohol, analgesics, antacids, antibiotics.

16. A pregnancy test only works 2 weeks after a suspected conception.

17.Girls’ primary school completion rates are below 50 per cent in most poor countries.

18.One in seven girls in developing countries is married before age 15, and 38 per cent are married before age 18.

19. In sub-Saharan Africa, more women than men are living with HIV, and young women 
aged 15–24  years are as much as eight times more likely than men to be HIV positive.

20. Both Barbie and Bratz dolls are so thin, they lack the internal proportions to have bodily organs like kidneys or large intestines; both would lack the 17-22% of body fat necessary for females to menstruate.

21. If Barbie were a real woman, she would be 7'2", weigh 101 pounds, and have a 19” waist and 39FF chest. A real woman with these proportions would be unable to support her upper body and stand up straight.

22. Female characters in children’s cartoon shows are five times more likely to be shown in revealing, skimpy clothing (even when they are animals) and three times more likely to be shown with physically-impossible tiny waists.

23. Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia used to start in the “tweens” – doctors are now treating them in girls as young as five or six.

24. Three-quarters of female characters in TV situation comedies are underweight; only 1 in 20 is average size. Moreover, female characters that are heavier tend to get made fun of more often, and 80% of the time these negative comments are rewarded with audience laughter.

25. By the time they graduate high school, children will have spent more time watching TV than in the classroom or talking with their parents.

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