Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Nail Care Tips

Nail Care Tips
The nail is made of a hard protein called keratin. A protein is one of the building blocks which make up the body. The nail care help protect the ends of the fingers and toes from trauma and also help us pick up small objects.

Over the last hundred years, the nails have become more important for cosmetic reasons and less important for protection.

Manicuring is the care of the hands and nails. Basic manicuring should be done once a week.  Nice looking, neat, natural nails require care and proper manicuring. A shortish nail that is straight across the top with rounded edges is the current in style shape.  Other shapes include square, round, and oval.

1. Infections
- you may have a nail fungus infection if your nails go crumbly and whitish/yellowish and separate from the nail bed
- hangnails or loose skin around the sides of your nails should be trimmed with a shape scissor or nail nipper to reduce the risk of skin tearing or infections getting into the skin

2. Basic Nail Care
- Wash hands with mild soap, using a nailbrush.
- Soak the hands in warm water for a few minutes to soften the cuticles (the bits of skin at the bottom of the nails).
- Very gently push back the cuticles if they are long and ragged.
- Trim the nails to the same length, cutting off any snaggy or spiky bits.
- File the ends of the nails to smooth them off.
- If your hands are dry, apply some hand cream (it doesn't have to be the girly stuff that stinks of flowers, lads).
- Try not to bite your nails.

3. Filing Nails:
- file the nail when the free edge is 1/4 th  long (otherwise the nail will weaken)
- file from the corner of the nail towards the center in one direction.
- Should be done whenever necessary (sharp edges, weekly basis)

4. Buffing Nails:
- gives nails a shinier finish
- don't go back and forth to create heat - does damage to the nail
- should not be done all the time

5. Clean Nails:
- clean the nails from oils, lotions, and old polish
- ensure the nails are dry before beginning your new manicure

6. Base Coat:
- the base coat protects the nail from staining and keeps the polish from chipping (so it lasts longer)

7. Applying Polish:
- two thin layers of polish looks better than one thick layer
- apply polish to the sides and finish through the centre to keep a nice finish to the polish
- ensure the polish is thin enough prior to applying to the nail Drying Time:
- allow several minutes for polish to dry before applying the next coat
- drying time allows the next coat to adhere properly to the first coat
- dark shades need more time to dry

8. Top Coat:
- apply to nail once last coat of polish has dried completely

9. Moisturize:
- after nails are completely dry, apply moisturizer to hand and nails especially the cuticles

10. Cuticle Oil:
- massage into the cuticle to moisturize and soften dry spots on the cuticles

11. Bed Time:
- apply cream to nail and hands before going to bed

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Alzheimer's Disease and Its Cause

Alzheimer's Disease and Its Cause

Alzheimer's Disease and Its Cause

Genetics also are being studied as a attainable reason for Alzheimer's disease. Another doable reason behind the disease is seen to be a slow developing viral infection that results in brain inflammation. Although the particular cause of Alzheimer's disease may not yet be known and still in the discovery stages, there are a number of risk factors that is known to increase the likelihood of Alzheimer development.

Age is referred to as a risk explanation for Alzheimer's disease. As an individual ages, the probability that she or he can develop Alzheimer's conjointly will increase. The average age of diagnosis for Alzheimer's is regarding eighty years previous. Gender is additionally seen as concerned in the event of Alzheimer's disease, but studies for this may still be inconclusive. The reason as to why the danger is seen to be bigger in ladies is that they have an inclination to measure longer than the boys.

Hereditary tendency is being looked into as another risk reason behind Alzheimer's disease. The presence of some defective genes and genetic mutations inside the identical bloodlines has additionally been seen to increase the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Another potential cause of Alzheimer's disease that is being looked into is the malfunction of the immune system and protein imbalances that occur within the brain. Certain environmental factors like the presence of aluminum in the house or workplace are being place under investigation as a possible explanation for Alzheimer's disease.

Reason for Alzheimer's Disease

Reason for Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease may be a form of a mental disorder that's additionally known as "dementia", a brain disorder that affects and seriously impedes the brain's ability to method rational or traditional thought. This sometimes ends up in limiting the number of daily activities that need the utilization of cognitive abilities of its sufferers. Alzheimer's is a debilitating disease because it affects the half of the brain that's accountable for thought, memory, and language.

Alzheimer's is particularly one in all the foremost disabling diseases that may have an effect on the older population. What makes Alzheimer's disease a very serious affliction is that it is a progressive disorder that can slowly kill the irreplaceable nerve cells in the brain. Although Alzheimer's is detected a lot of often among patients over 60 years old, there are some individuals as young as fifty years of age who can show signs of Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's disease holds no boundaries. It can equally affect people of various cultures and is found to afflict each women and men in equal proportions. Not one explicit check is understood for use for diagnosing Alzheimer's. A selection of methods and tests are being used to diagnose ninety p.c of Alzheimer's cases. A a hundred p.c accuracy in diagnosing the disease will solely be achieved upon autopsy to test for plaques and tangles within the sufferer's brain.

The root explanation for Alzheimer's disease is not however quite well understood despite the various years of research on the debilitating condition. Alzheimer's is a advanced disease that can be caused by a range of various influences.

The most reason for Alzheimer's disease that researchers these days have revealed is broken brain cells that die for unknown reasons. The reason for Alzheimer's disease, that was initial isolated by the German neurologist Dr. Alois Alzheimer, is that the abnormal clumping along of brain cells. These clumps, additionally referred to as plaques, and knots or tangles which disrupt traditional brain functioning, are thought-about as the most definitive characteristics of Alzheimer's disease.

Rabu, 18 September 2013


Gums are made of soft tissue. They surround the bottom portion of your teeth (called the tooth root). Taking care of your gums is just as important as taking care of your teeth. The most common gum complaints are redness, swelling, tenderness and bleeding of the gums, which is a sign of inflamed gums or "gingivitis". This is caused due to the build up of plaque, a bacteria filled concoction of food and saliva, around the base of the teeth or in between the teeth and the gums. Thus brushing the teeth after every meal and flossing them at least twice daily helps to prevent the collection of plaque.

Women are more susceptible to gingivitis than men. Their gums bleed easily especially during their menstrual periods or during their pregnancy. Gingivitis is also common in people wearing dentures that don"t fit them properly or in those suffering from diabetes, chronic smokers, leukemia, etc. or  in those going through a lot of stress. Heredity, certain drugs (especially antidepressants, oral contraceptives, antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays and certain medications for hearttroubles) and vitamin deficiencies are some of the other common causes.

"Scurvy" is a condition where the gums become red, hot, swollen, spongy, very sensitive and they separate from the teeth and there can be formation of small ulcers on the gums, inside of lips and cheeks, palate and on the tongue with an offensive odor from the mouth. This condition usually results due to dietary deficiencies, especially that of Vitamin C or can be due to heredity, certain drugs or stress.

Use a soft bristled brush for sore and inflamed gums. Proxabrush is a special inter proximal brush that has tiny bristles that go below the gum line, where floss cannot reach. They are thus useful when used in conjunction with normal brushing and flossing.


1. Incorporate a lot of fresh, raw or lightly cooked vegetables (especially broccoli, pecacua, cauliflower and tomatoes) and fresh, raw fruits (especially citrus fruits, which are a rich source of vitamin C) in your diet. The person should take a well balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits.

2. Mixture of carrot and beetroot juice is a useful remedy for gum disorders.

3. Chew one unripe guava daily to stop the bleeding from the gums because of its richness in vitamin C.

4. Eating oranges and rubbing the gums with their skins daily can help cure pyorrhea (inflammation of the gums).

5. Oranges, pomegranates (anar) and bananas are useful for bleeding gums.

6. Oil from leaves of cinnamon tree (dalchini) is expressed and applied to the gums to make them firm and strong.

7. Dry Indian gooseberry (amla) should be  powdered with an equal quantity of sugar and this powder should be given in doses of one teaspoonful, three times daily, with milk.

8. Wash and cut six lemons in small pieces and pour in some water and bring it to a boil. Then let it cool for about half an hour and then strain it and hold some of this juice in your mouth for a few minutes and take a few glasses of it daily for a few days.

9. The juice of raw spinach (palak) is another useful remedy for bleeding gums and for the treatment of pyorrhea.

10. Grind a few cloves (lavang) to a paste and mix it with lemon juice and massage this paste over the gums.

11. Onions eaten raw keeps the gums healthy and strong.

12. Washing the gums daily with salt solution helps.

13. Lettuce leaves should be chewed daily immediately after meals.

14. One to two cloves of garlic should be chewed daily to keep them strong and prevent any bleeding gums.

15. Chewing cardamom (elaichi) seeds is useful to prevent gum decay.

16. Potato should be included in your daily diet, since it is a good source of Vitamin C.

17. Moisten a small piece of cotton with sandalwood oil and apply it locally over the bleeding gums.

18. Betel nut is chewed to check bleeding from gums.

Body Piercing - Know The Risks

Body Piercing - Know The Risks
Traumatic tear of the earlobe
Having a part of your body pierced is a very important decision and can have negative health effects if done poorly.If you are considering having a piercing done read on and check out some of the facts for yourself.

Tongues, Lips and Cheeks
Although popular, these can be some of the more dangerous areas of the body to get pierced. Complications can include infections, speech impediments, breathing problems, increased tooth decay and broken teeth. Infections can result in blood poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, a blocked airway, as well as the risk of diseases like HIV and hepatitis.

Eyebrows, nose, ear Lobes and upper ears
Infections in the area around the eyes and nose can result in serious complications. Pierced ear lobes have been around for hundreds of years. Recently, the trend is towards piercing the upper ear through the cartilage that gives your ear its structure. Ear cartilage is sensitive and slow healing. Infections can cause a
‘cauliflower’ appearance of the ear. Piercing the side of your nose can also be very painful, and can cause difficulties if you have a cold or runny nose.

NippLes and naveLs
Nipple piercing in women can create scar tissue that may cause difficulties in breast-feeding in later life. The nipple is very sensitive and therefore can be very painful to pierce. Bellybuttons also should be pierced with care and watched constantly. The moist,  warm nature of the navel makes risk of infection a little higher.

Piercing genitals is a decision that should not be taken lightly. An infection here is not only painful, but can be very serious. It is really important to try and get some advice from a doctor before considering piercing of the penis, labia, clitoris, foreskin or scrotum. Some States and Territories restrict access to these procedures to those aged 18 years and over.

HIV and other diseases
There are also significant risks of transmission of diseases like hepatitis B and C and HIV/AIDS in unsafe piercing studios and with piercing done by friends or relatives in un-sterile conditions. It is essential that any sign of infection is treated seriously and promptly.

After the procedure
The body piercing provider should provide you with information about how to care for your new piercing. Remember to make an immediate appointment with your doctor if there are any problems with an area that is pierced that might indicate infection or complications (such as bleeding, pain, weeping or swelling), or that you are worried about.

It is also important to remember that you can talk to your doctor before you decide to have any area of your body pierced.
You doctor will be able to: 

  •   discuss the risks with you; 
  •   warn about possible allergies, infections and abnormal “keloid” scarring; 
  •   tell you how to make sure that the piercing  studio is safe; 
  •   talk about how to care for your piercing; and 

  show you what to look for and what to do if something goes wrong.
Some doctors are happy to do piercing for their patients in a clean, sterile and safe environment. Remember your doctor can also give you another opportunity to discuss your decision further. Drugs and alcohol can impair decision making so do not get a piercing done while under the influence. It is best to give yourself some time to think through your decision to get a piercing.


Irritation of the eye can result from presence of a foreign particle in the eye or due to straining the eye for long. If you are wearing contact lenses, take them out immediately. Do not itch or rub the eyes vigorously since that will only increase the itching and the irritation and lead to further complications. Press gently on the
inner corner of the eye towards the nose and at the same time draw the outer corner downwards; this will make the tears flow and wash the foreign substance towards the inner corner, from where it can be easily removed. If the irritation persists for long or if it is associated with lachrymation (watering from the eyes) and redness of the eyes, it is better to get it checked by an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

1. First of all wash the eye with cold water and then apply a cold compress over the eyes, made by wetting a small gauze-piece with cold water. This compress should be used as frequently as possible and for as long as possible.

2. Splash cool water in the eye till the time the irritation decreases and if it doesn't go, then a few drops of rosewater can be instilled in both the eyes.

3. One drop of ghee or honey in each eye is a good cleanser.

4. In cases of burning in the eye, first rinse it with cool water as described above and then rinse the eye with tea after allowing it to cool upto room temperature. The eyes should then be covered with cold, wet tea bags. The tannic acid in the tea bags will soothe and cool down the itch and the irritation. Wrap the teabags with paper towels to avoid any staining of the eyelid.

5. The eyes can also be covered with slices of raw potato (which help draw the toxins out of the eyes) until the pain reduces.

Senin, 16 September 2013

Damaging Effects Of Alzheimer's

Tell Tale Signs Of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease may be a progressive brain disorder. Its gradual effects on the brain are relentless as a sufferer's memory is progressively destroyed and along with it, the aptitude to find out, create judgments, and communicate. The disease will eventually make it troublesome for the sufferer to even perform normal daily tasks to the point of total disappearance of any capability.

It is a very tough circumstance to be in, to look at a family member seemingly “waste away” bit by bit. The sufferer's the struggle to maintain some kind of sanity despite the condition is usually an excessive amount of for several relatives in touch that they, sadly, distance themselves from the sufferer instead of giving support.

It really pays to know a lot of regarding Alzheimer's and higher understand the condition lest you find yourself or a member of your family in this kind of state of affairs. Knowing the warning signs timely can help you cope up with the disease earlier where there would possibly still be some likelihood at minimizing the damaging effects of Alzheimer's. Knowing what to seem for will not only help you however conjointly your friends or loved ones who may additionally have the chances against them in developing the said debilitating disease.

It is of the utmost important to understand a number of the warning signs of Alzheimer's. While memory loss is cheap and is an expected symptom of aging, the sort of memory loss symptoms of Alzheimer's are significantly greater and are usually accompanied or followed by alternative tell tale symptoms. People suffering this disease usually have problem with general cognitive talents such as communication, thinking, reasoning, comparing, and learning new skills.

Short-term memory is what Alzheimer's disease usually affects initial. Sufferers tend to forget family names and even a way to perform straightforward daily tasks. However, long-term memory is somehow attained with Alzheimer's disease where some patients might even retain the power of remembering events from the past.

Another sign shown by patients laid low with Alzheimer's disease is that the gradual loss of verbal communication skills. Rather than speaking up, sufferers will begin to communicate their feelings, preferences and needs through body language and facial expressions more frequently. Perception is another space that may be tormented by Alzheimer's disease.

It may be tough to line up a transparent be-careful call level as a number of the symptoms exhibited by Alzheimer's sufferers would possibly simply be a half of traditional behavior. Such symptoms might even be related to another ailment entirely. But once you see such signs being exhibited by someone near to you or someone that you know, you should never be quick to rule out Alzheimer's as a possible reason. Here are the ten basic warning signs for Alzheimer's to always look out for:

•Gradual loss of memory
•Issue performing straightforward everyday tasks
•Problems with language
•Declining judgment
•Inability to perform complicated mental tasks
•Misplacing sure everyday things
•Noticeable behavioral changes
•Increased confusion, worry and suspicion
•Loss of initiative

As of this there aren't any Alzheimer's treatments that can totally cure, stop or reverse the onset of the disease or its gradual progression. What doctors will do is strive to treat several of the disease symptoms like loss of memory. The smart news is that as new discoveries about the disease are being made, it won't be long before effective Alzheimer's treatments will be made on the market.

Strive to consult with a professional physician so as to assist eliminate some symptoms that may appear as if true Alzheimer's and to effectively distinguish between the various other causes of dementia, some of which are utterly treatable.

Minggu, 15 September 2013


Bowling is good exercise for all ages and works 134 different muscles. It does not take a lot of physical strength to become a good bowler. Bowling helps to improve hand to eye coordination. 

1. Bowling burns roughly 240 calories per hour of activity.

2. It strengthens and tones your arm, shoulder, chest, and leg muscles.

3. It improves heart and respiratory fitness.

4. It increases endurance while maintaining bone density.

5. It speeds up your metabolism.

6. An average bowler swings a bowling ball a full 360 degrees (200 degree back swing, 160 degree down swing).

7. An average bowler with a 16 pound ball swings 864 pounds full circle in a three game series (54 shots times 16 pounds per shot). That is well over one third of a ton.

8. An average bowler walks an average of 60 feet per turn, or about 6/10 of a mile in a three game series.

9. The social aspect of bowling helps improve your mental outlook.

10. Bowling is a lifetime sport. It is one of the few sports that allow you to compete at a high level at an older age.

11. Bowling provides an exercise optionfor those with physical limitations.

12. The millions of dollars of scholarships awarded annually to youth bowlers help them reach their educational goals, which keeps our nation as a whole healthy.

Cracked Heels - Remedies

Cracked Heels - Remedies
The appearance of fissures (cracks in your skin) and general dryness around the heel of your foot. Dry skin is a primary culprit of cracked heels. The body produces no oil in the palms of hands and on the bottom of the feet. Therefore, the area remains dry most of the time. Individuals who do not use proper hygiene on their feet accumulate up to 30 times more skin in that area than on other parts of the body. Heels are also more prone to cracking with age. Cracks or deep wounds may facilitate the development of infections. Calluses are thickened skin that may also form on the toes. 

1. The onset of advanced years can unfortunately also bring with it this condition, or a higher chance of you developing it.

2. Shoes that do not fit properly.

3. Athlete’s foot can also be associated with this problem.

4. Other major dermatological conditions such as Psoriasis and eczema.

5. If you have diabetes you may well have a higher risk of having very dry skin.

6. A higher level of household heat that reduces humidity and dries out your skin.

7. This condition can also be linked to the wearing of open backed footwear that causes the outer part of the heel to rub and crack.

8. The over use of excessively hot water.

9. Being overweight.

The Main Symptoms are:

This condition is not serious as such, but when the skin breaks open and bleeds then it becomes a source of infection, which is of course not welcome.

Red and flaky patches of skin can be seen and felt.

Peeling and cracked skin.

Itchy skin.
Some suggested treatment programs

Use a pumice stone or other foot file to help reduce the thickness of the skin.

Follow this treatment with the use of a good foot cream in order to moisturise the area and keep it supple. Use frequently i.e. every day. 

1. Use the foot cream at night and wear bed socks to help the foot absorb as much of the cream as possible.

2. Check your shoes and footwear for tight spots that rub against your heel and try and eliminate these.

3. You can wear insoles and corrective devices to realign your feet and get them to work properly so as not to rub on your heels which can make this condition much worse.

4. Applying an oil based moisturizing cream twice daily is really important to get on top of this problem. After looking at the 'tomato' analogy above it should be obvious why it is important to avoid open backed shoes or thin soled shoes.

5. Never try to reduce the hard skin your self with a razor blade or a pair of scissors.

6. There is a risk of an infection developing and taking too much off.

7. Apply any shortening or hydrogenated vegetable oil after washing the feet clean on dry and cracked areas of the feet. After applying a thick coat of shortening on the feet, wear a pair of thick socks. Leaving this application overnight can surely provide positive results in few days.

8. Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the dry or cracked area of the heel. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it clean.

9. Soak the feet in lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Follow this therapy on a weekly basis until one finds a change.

10. A daily regime of cleaning and moisturizing is a good cure for dry or cracked heels.

11. At the end of the day soak the feet in warm soapy water for about 15 minutes. Rinse feet and pat dry. Make a healing mixture comprising of: one teaspoon Vaseline and the juice of one lemon. Rub this mixture onto the cracked heels and other required areas of the feet till it is thoroughly absorbed. This can be done daily until visible results are obtained.

12. A regular application of a mixture of glycerin and rosewater is known to soothe and cure cracked heels.

13. Another result oriented solution is to melt paraffin wax and mix it well with little mustard oil. Apply on the dry or cracked area of the heels. Rinse it off in the morning. A continuous application for 10 to15 days can achieve desirable results. 

Sabtu, 14 September 2013


1. Jujube contains antioxidant with rejuvenating properties to help improve the immune system and overall health.

2. Jujube contains high amount of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, manganese and calcium.

3. Jujube contains vitamin C, riboflavin and thiamine. Jujube fruit has 20 times the amount of vitamin C as citrus fruits.

4. The vitamin and mineral content of the jujube helps to soothe the stomach, ease sore throats, suppress the appetite, support cardiovascular health, enhance metabolism and cleanse the blood vessels.

5. The body requires 24 amino acids to function, and the jujube fruit contains 18 of the 24. Amino acids help with the maintenance and formation of the bones, skin, muscle, bloods, hormones, neurotransmitters and enzymes in the body. They are also essential to the building of more that 50,000 proteins made by the human body. Amino acids assist the body in healing wounds and diseases.

6. The protective effects of jujube fruit on the liver help to eliminate oxidative stress in the liver. Oxidative stress is when free radicals form in the body and interact with cells. Free radicals can lead to many diseases.

Kamis, 12 September 2013

Alzheimer's Diseases and Its Symptoms part2

Alzheimer's Diseases and Its Symptoms part2

On the half of the patient, the initial Alzheimer's symptom which will be very frightening is the realization that one thing is going on to their memory. Although straightforward forgetfulness isn't the only Alzheimer's symptom to seem for, but it reaches the degree as even forgetting the names of people that the patient sees usually, then the condition could be a doable Alzheimer's symptom. The Alzheimer's symptom starts off with slight memory loss and confusion. It then ultimately ends up in severe and irreversible mental impairment if left to develop while not any kind of initial treatment.

The Alzheimer's symptom can more cause degeneration of an individual's ability to remember, reason, learn and even imagine. The Alzheimer's symptom of forgetfulness can embrace the names of family members being forgotten as well as familiar everyday objects like a comb and mirror.

Another possible symptom of the disease include difficulty experienced with abstract thinking. This symptom initially begins with usually mundane everyday things like not balancing a check book and could further change into not understanding and recognizing numbers.

Difficulty finding the right word can also be an Alzheimer's symptom that challenges the patient with finding the correct words for expression. It will eventually lead to a diminished ability to follow conversations and further progress to affect one's reading and writing skills.

Disorientation with time and dates is also a comprehensible symptom of Alzheimer's, even any deteriorating to the degree on frequently losing themselves in even terribly familiar surroundings.

Loss of judgment is an Alzheimer's symptom that prevents the patient from solving everyday issues and doing easy tasks like cooking on the stove. This Alzheimer's symptom in its extreme kind can lead to difficulty with anything that requires planning, decision-making and judgment.

Personality amendment is an Alzheimer's symptom that presents itself as the gradual development of mood swings, distrust, stubbornness and eventual withdrawal from the patient's usual social circle. Depression is also a coexistent Alzheimer's symptom alongside with growing restlessness. In its severe form, the Alzheimer's symptom further develops into anxiety, aggressiveness and inappropriate behavior.

Rabu, 11 September 2013

Alzheimer's Diseases and Its Symptoms part1

Alzheimer's Diseases and Its Symptoms

Alzheimer's disease, conjointly referred to as the most common kind of dementia, is named once the German neurologist Dr. Alois Alzheimer who 1st identified the disease in 1907. The main concern with Alzheimer's disease is that it allows the fast degeneration of healthy brain tissue related to cognitive talents like judgment, comprehension and memory.

The root explanation for this phenomenon in Alzheimer's disease remains unclear and is still beneath study. This degeneration of the brain tissues causes a gentle decline in memory and a steady loss of essential mental skills responsible for thought, memory, and language. A lot of than four million of the older population within the US is understood to be stricken with Alzheimer's disease. The variety of individuals stricken by this debilitating condition is predicted to triple within the next 20 years.

The foremost common symptoms of Alzheimer's are loss of memory, the decline of intellectual functions and sudden changes in temperament. At the primary stages of the disease, symptoms exhibited are patients turning into easily tired, upset and anxious.

With Alzheimer's disease the changes that happen could be gradual over time and not therefore sudden. However because the disease progresses, therefore will the Alzheimer's symptoms as they accelerate and become additional serious and noticeable enough for the people involved to seek facilitate. The usual course of the disease will take something from five to ten years, from how the Alzheimer's symptoms develop from simple forgetfulness to showing up as severe dementia.cont>>>>>

Senin, 09 September 2013

Taking care of your feet

Taking care of your feet
Foot care is important as foot problems are a common complication of diabetes. Your feet can be affected in two ways. Your blood supply may be affected, resulting in slower healing, and you may also lose some feeling in your feet due to nerve damage.

1. Take care of your diabetes.
 Work with your health care team to keep your blood sugar within a good range.

2. Check your feet every day.
Look at your bare feet every day for cuts, blisters, red spots, and swelling.

Use a mirror to check the bottoms of your feet or ask a family member for help if you have trouble seeing.

3. Wash your feet every day.
Wash your feet in warm, not hot, water every day.

Dry your feet well. Be sure to dry between the toes.

4. Keep the skin soft and smooth.
Rub a thin coat of skin lotion over the tops and bottoms of your feet, but not between your toes.

5. Smooth corns and calluses gently.
If your feet are at low risk for problems, use a pumice stone to smooth corns and calluses.
Don’t use over-the-counter products or sharp objects on corns or calluses .

6 . If you can see and reach your toenails, trim them each week or when needed.
Trim your toenails straight across and file the edges with an emery board or nail file.

7. Wear shoes and socks at all times.
Never walk bare foot .

Wear comfortable shoes that fit well and protect your feet.

Feel inside your shoes before putting them on each time to make sure the lining is smooth and there are no objects inside.

8.  Protect you feet from hot and cold.
Wear shoes at the beach or on hot pave m e n t .

Wear socks at night if your feet get cold.

Don’t test bath water with your feet.

Don’t use hot water bottles or heating pads.

9. Keep the blood flowing to your feet.
Put your feet up when sitting.

Wiggle your toes and move your ankles up and down for 5 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.

Don’t cross your legs for long periods of time.

Don’t smoke.

10.  Be more active.
Plan your physical activity program with your doctor.

11.  Check with your doctor.
Have your doctor check your bare feet and find out whether you are likely to have serious foot problems. Remember that you may not feel the pain of an injury.

Call your doctor right away if you find a cut, sore, blister, or bruise on your foot that does not begin to heal after one day.

Follow your doctor’s advice about foot care.

12. Get started now.
Begin taking good care of your feet today.

Set a time every day to check your feet.

Tips for daily foot care

*Inspect your feet daily. Carefully look at your feet. Check between your toes and if necessary use a mirror to check underneath your feet .

*Look for swelling, redness, heat that may be a sign of infection .

*Wash feet every day and dry well between the toes .

*Use methylated spirits if there is a lot of moisture between the toes .

*Moisturise dry skin, especially cracked heals (eg Sorbolene cream) but not between the toes .

*Calluses may be treated with careful use of a pumice stone .

Do not use blades or sharp instruments.

Take care of your feet for a lifetime.

Minggu, 08 September 2013

Medicinal uses of Wood Apple

Medicinal uses of Wood Apple

The wood apple is the only species of its genus, in the family ‘Rutaceae’. It is native to the dry plains of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, where it grows in the wild and is also cultivated along roads, the edges of fields and occasionally in orchards. It is also cultivated throughout South east Asia, particularly in Malaysia.

In India, the fruit was traditionally a ‘poor man’s food’ until processing techniques were developed in the mid 1950s. Besides the name ‘wood apple,’ it is also referred to as elephant apple, monkey fruit, curd apple, Keth bel, golden apple, stone apple, etc.

Medicinal uses
1. The fruit is extensively used in India as a liver tonic and also to treat certain cardiac problems.

2. The half-ripe fruit is perhaps the most effective remedy for dysentry.Totreat diarrhea or piles, the mashed pulp of the fruit is used without the seeds.

3. An infusion of wood apple leaves is an effective remedy for peptic ulcers. Wood apple leaves are rich in tannin, which reduces inflammation and help in the healing of ulcers.

4. It is also useful in preventing cancer of the breast and uterus and helps treat infertility caused by insufficiency of the progesterone hormone.

5. The flesh of the mature fruit can also be used to treat stomach upsets among children.

6. The bark of the tree is beneficial for biliousness. It can be taken both in the pulverised or decoction form. The juice of the leaves can also be massaged on the skin rashes caused by biliousness.

7. The root of the bael tree is used as a domestic remedy to check several kinds of ear problems.

8. In Ayurveda, all parts of the wood apple plant are used to cure snake bites.

9. 100 gm of the fruit’s pulp provides 140 calories and is therefore a good energy booster.

10. The wood apple is used to treat kidney ailments like stones.

11. The leaves of the wood apple are used to prevent and treat cold and other respiratory disorders. The fruit is also effective in relieving sore throats and chronic coughs.

12. The wood apple contains carotene, which is beneficial for the eye.

13. An extract of the bark of the tree is used to prevent sun burn.

Other uses
1. The fruit’s shell is fashioned into snuffboxes and other small containers.

2. Interestingly, in addition to its edible and medicinal properties, the gum from the trunk and branches is used as glue. The exudation is profuse after the rainy season.

3. The gum, mixed with lime, is used to waterproof wells and walls. It also protects oil paintings when added as a coat onto the canvas.

4. The fruit rind yields oil that is popular as a fragrance for hair; it also produces a dye used to colour silks and calico.

5. The wood is yellow gray or whitish, hard, heavy, durable, and hence used in construction, patternmaking, agricultural implements, rollers for mills, carving, rulers and other products. It also serves as fuel.

6. The wood apple’s pulp has a soap-like action, which resulted in it being used as a household cleaner for hundreds of years.

7. The sticky layer around the unripe seeds is a household glue that also finds use in jewellery making.

Health benefits of Arugula

Health benefits of Arugula
Arugula is a leaf vegetable. Also called rocket, roquette, and rucola, arugula is peppery and aromatic.  The leaves are longer and more open than lettuce. It has a rich, peppery taste, and an exceptionally strong flavor for a leafy green. You can grow arugula from seeds that you plant in your garden or even in a pot on your porch. It has been grown in the Mediterranean area since Roman times. belonging to the same family as cress, radish and mustard. Arugula's strong flavor is reminiscent of cress. In Roman times arugula was grown for both its leaves and the seed. The seed was used for flavoring oils. Like other greens, arugula is most nutritious when eaten raw and should be juiced or well-blended for optimal nutrient digestion and assimilation.  Add it to a salad for a spicy kick. 

1. As in other greens, arugula is one of very low calorie vegetable. 100 g of fresh leaves provides just 25 calories. Nonetheless, it has many vital phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can immensely benefit health.

2. Rocket salad is rich source of certain phytochemicals such as indoles, thiocyanates, sulforaphane and iso-thiocyanates. Together they have been found to counter carcinogenic effects of estrogen and thus help benefit against prostate, breast, cervical, colon, ovarian cancers by virtue of their cancer cell growth inhibition, cytotoxic effects on cancer cells.

3. In addition, di-indolyl-methane (DIM), a lipid soluble metabolite of indole hasimmune modulator, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties ( by potentiating Interferon-Gamma receptors and production). DIM has currently been found application in the treatment of recurring respiratory papillomatosis caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and is in Phase III clinical trials for cervical dysplasia.

4. Rocket is very good source of folates. 100 g of fresh greens contain 97 mcg or 24% of folic acid. When given around conception period it helps prevent neural tube defects in the newborns.

5. Like kale, salad rocket is an excellent source of vitamin A. 100 g fresh leaves contain 1424 mcg of beta carotene and 2373 IU of vitamin A. Beta carotenes converts into vitamin A in the body. Studies found that vitamin A and flavonoid compounds in in green leafy vegetables help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers.

6. This vegetable also rich in B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), and pantothenic acid those are essential for optimum cellular enzymatic and metabolic functions.

7. Fresh rocket leaves contain good levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful, natural anti-oxidant. Foods rich in vitamin C helps body protect from scurvy disease; develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity) and scavenge harmful, pro inflammatory free radicals from the body.

8. Salad rocket is one of the excellent vegetable sources for vitamin-K; 100 g provides about 90% of recommended intake. Vitamin K has potential role bone health by promoting osteotrophic (bone formation and strengthening) activity. Adequate vitamin-K levels in the diet helps limiting neuronal damage in the brain; thus, has established role in the treatment of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

9. Arugula is good in minerals especially copper and iron. In addition, it has small amounts of some other essential minerals and electrolytes such as calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus.

Sabtu, 07 September 2013

Gangrene and your body health

Gangrene is a life threatening conditions that occurs when tissue of the body dies permanently. 

Gangrene and your body health

Causes of gangrene
Blood circulation is an important role in the body organism. In the circulation process of blood contains oxygen and nutrients which are delivered power sources of body. The gangrene is caused by loss of blood supply to a body part that can be external: skin, or Internal: organs, muscles. As a result, this area suffers tissue death so there is no longer outstanding. The area affected by gangrene is detected by bluish / black area, fishy smell of the wound and the loss of sensitivity.

Any kind of conditions which create obstacles of the blood flow to our body is increases the potential risks for gangrene, also included:

Trauma or injury
Peripheral arterial disease
Reynaud’s phenomenon 

Types of gangrene

Primarily there are two types of gangrene are seen, those are dry gangrene and wet gangrene.

Dry gangrene:
It is common types of gangrene are seen to people who are suffered in autoimmune diseases & diabetes. Mostly affects to feet or hand.

Gangrene and your body health

Wet gangrene:
Wet gangrene is found in people who are injured or burns their body in accident. Not to proper blood circulation gangrene affects the injured parts. Wet gangrene is also seen three types: internal gangrene, gas gangrene & Fournier’s gangrene.

Treatments of gangrene

All treatment of gangrene is urgent because the more time of evolution persists, worse prognosis. Generally, you must remove the dead tissue to prevent infection and allow healing of the surrounding healthy tissue. Whatever the treatment, it will require hospital admission and, depending on its severity, a stay in an intensive care unit.
The surgery is very common for cases of gangrene. The goals of this treatment are: remove dead tissue and try to repair the vessel or improve blood flow.

Depending on the level of impact on the circulation and the ability to recover the bloodstream, they can exert two kinds of surgery: the amputation is the removal of the affected body part, this procedure is performed when there is no possibility of recovering the circulation, and the skin graft is the application of healthy skin from elsewhere on the body to the affected area and is applied in cases where surgery has been positive and there is possibility of blood flow.

The treatment antibiotic rarely needed forever. It is used preventively or curatively for cases of infected or gangrenous wounds with susceptibility of suffering. Antibiotics will be administered intravenously.

As we know gangrene is a serious condition of our body so we should take immediate treatments for it.

Recipes for a Healthy Home

Recipes for a Healthy Home

Cleaning product companies tell you that to keep your home clean and smelling fresh, you need to rely on an army of cleaning and air care products. Sprays, wipes, powders, liquids and more are sold with the promise of improving your home and your health by removing dirt and germs.

What companies are not telling you is that cleaning products can contain toxic chemicals that may harm your health. Manufacturers often recommend frequent and repeated use of their products, but this also translates to frequent and repeated exposures to potentially harmful chemicals. You may inhale these chemicals by breathing indoor air and some of them can be absorbed through the skin. Long-term exposures to certain
chemicals found in household cleaners have been linked to serious health problems like pregnancy complications, breast cancer, birth defects, asthma and allergic reactions.

Some simple natural items can deal with the majority of household cleaning tasks. These products are already in most kitchens and are very inexpensive. When preparing your own  cleaning products, make only what you need and make sure that they are in containers that are clearly labeled.  Here are some easy, effective and inexpensive recipes and tips for healthy home cleaning and maintenance. The cleaners are safe for you and the environment and can save you money.

3 tbsp. white vinegar
½ tsp. washing soda
½ tsp. vegetable oil based liquid soap
2 cups hot water
Mix ingredients in spray bottle or bucket. Apply and wipe clean.

For greasy, no-wax floors:
1 cup white vinegar
¼ cup washing soda
1 tablespoon vegetable oil-based liquid soap
2 gallons hot water
Combine all ingredients, stirring well to dissolve the washing soda. Mop as  usual.

2 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. white vinegar
¼ cup lemon juice
Mix ingredients. Using a soft cloth, rub into the wood, in the direction of the grain.

For slow drains, use this drain cleaner once a week to keep drains fresh and clog-free.
½ cup baking soda
1 cup white vinegar
1 gallon boiling water
Pour baking soda down drain/disposal, followed by vinegar. Allow the mixture to  foam for several minutes before flushing the drain with boiling water.

2 tbsp. vegetable oil based liquid soap
2 tbsp. borax
Mix the soap and borax in a spray bottle. Fill the bottle with hot water and shake well. Spray on oven and leave for 20 minutes. Scrub off.

2 tbsp. borax
¼ cup vinegar
2 cups hot water
Combine the borax and vinegar with the water in a spray bottle. Use as you  would any commercial all-purpose cleaner.

1 lemon
1 teaspoon olive oil (least expensive)
1 teaspoon water
This polish should to be made fresh each time you use it. Extract the juice from the  lemon. Mix with oil and water. Apply a thin coat on your wood surface and let sit for 5 minutes. Use a soft cloth to buff to a deep shine.

For engineered wood and no-wax floors.
½ cup white vinegar
1 gallon warm water
Mix ingredients. Avoid overwetting the floor by using a spray bottle to apply the mixture to the floor. Mop as usual (microfiber mops work best).

2 tbsp. baking soda
1 quart warm water
Dissolve baking soda in water. Use to wipe all surfaces inside and out. For stubborn spots, rub with baking soda paste. Be sure to rinse with a clean, wet cloth.

1 cup ice
used lemon or orange rind
To eliminate garbage disposal odors and clean and sharpen blades, grind ice and rinds until pulverized.

¼ cup borax
vegetable oil based liquid soap
½ tsp. lemon essential oil
In a bowl, mix the borax with enough soap to form a creamy paste. Add lemon oil and blend well. Scoop a small amount of the mixture onto a sponge, wash the surface, then rinse well.

Use to clean stainless steel, chrome, fiberglass, ceramic, porcelain or enamel fixtures.
2 tbsp. baking soda
1 quart water
Dissolve the baking soda in the water.
Wipe on fixtures then rinse.

1 cup borax
½ cup white vinegar
Flush to wet the sides of the bowl. Sprinkle the borax around the toilet bowl, then spray with vinegar. Leave for several hours or overnight before scrubbing with a  toilet brush.

¼ cup white vinegar
1 tbsp. cornstarch
1 quart warm water
Mix the ingredients and apply with a sponge or pour into spray bottle and spray on.  For lint-free results, wipe dry with crumpled newspaper, buff to a shine.

1 cup baking soda
1 tsp. tea tree oil
Mix together in a small bowl, working out all the lumps with a fork. Sprinkle the mixture in the bottom of the trash can after the liner is removed. Periodically rinse container with white vinegar and dry in the sun.

Hard lime deposits around faucets can be softened for easy removal by covering the deposits with vinegar-soaked paper towels. white vinegar  paper towels .Soak paper towels in vinegar and leave them on surface. Wipe clean after about an hour.

2 tbsp. white vinegar
2 pints water
4 drops essential oil (lavender, tea tree oil, lemon, lemongrass, or rosemary)
Combine ingredients in spray bottle and use as a final rinse after cleaning kitchen surfaces. Store in a cool, dark place.

For sparkling glass.
Mix together cornstarch and water to make a paste. Use a soft cloth to apply the paste  to the mirror. Rub gently then wipe clean with a soft cloth.

white vinegar
baking soda or non-iodized salt
To remove film buildup on bathtubs, apply vinegar full-strength to a sponge and wipe. Next, use baking soda or salt as you would scouring powder. Rub with a damp sponge and  rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Not for use on lacquered finishes.
lemon juice
salt, non-iodized
Mix equal parts of salt and corstarch with lemon juice to make a paste. Apply to surface with a soft rag. Rub gently. Rinse with warm water and mild dish soap. Dry with a soft cloth.

Kamis, 05 September 2013

Signs Of Alzheimer's - part1

Signs Of Alzheimer's
Tell Tale Signs Of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease could be a progressive brain disorder. Its gradual effects on the brain are relentless as a sufferer's memory is progressively destroyed and together with it, the capability to find out, make judgments, and communicate. The disease can eventually make it tough for the sufferer to even perform normal daily tasks to the point of total disappearance of any capability.

It could be a terribly troublesome circumstance to be in, to observe a family member seemingly “waste away” bit by bit. The sufferer's the struggle to maintain some form of sanity despite the condition is usually too much for many relatives in reality that they, sadly, distance themselves from the sufferer instead of giving support.

It really pays to know more about Alzheimer's and higher perceive the condition lest you discover yourself or a member of your family during this sort of state of affairs. Knowing the warning signs early on can help you cope up with the disease earlier where there would possibly still be some likelihood at minimizing the damaging effects of Alzheimer's. Knowing what to seem for will not only help you however additionally your friends or loved ones who may also have the odds against them in developing the said debilitating disease.

It is of the utmost vital to perceive a number of the warning signs of Alzheimer's. While memory loss is affordable and is an expected symptom of aging, the type of memory loss symptoms of Alzheimer's are significantly greater and are usually accompanied or followed by alternative tell tale symptoms. People suffering this disease typically have problem with general cognitive abilities such as communication, thinking, reasoning, comparing, and learning new skills.

Short-term memory is what Alzheimer's disease sometimes affects initial. Sufferers tend to forget family names and even a way to perform easy daily tasks. However, long-term memory is somehow attained with Alzheimer's disease where some patients might even retain the ability of remembering events from the past.

Another sign shown by patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease is the gradual loss of verbal communication skills. Instead of speaking up, sufferers will begin to speak their feelings, preferences and desires through body language and facial expressions additional frequently. Perception is another area which will be stricken by Alzheimer's disease.

Signs Of Alzheimer's - part2

Signs Of Alzheimer's
It might be troublesome to set up a clear warning sign level as some of the symptoms exhibited by Alzheimer's sufferers would possibly simply be a half of traditional behavior. Such symptoms might even be connected to a different ailment entirely.

However once you see such signs being exhibited by somebody near to you or somebody that you know, you ought to never be quick to rule out Alzheimer's as a potential reason.

Here are the ten basic warning signs for Alzheimer's to invariably look out for:

•Gradual loss of memory
•Difficulty performing straightforward everyday tasks
•Problems with language
•Declining judgment
•Inability to perform complicated mental tasks
•Misplacing sure everyday items
•Noticeable behavioral changes
•Increased confusion, fear and suspicion
•Loss of initiative

As of the present there are not any Alzheimer's treatments that will totally cure, prevent or reverse the onset of the disease or its gradual progression. What doctors can do is try to treat many of the disease symptoms such as loss of memory. The good news is that as new discoveries about the disease are being made, it won't be long before effective Alzheimer's treatments will be made out there.

Attempt to confer with a certified physician so as to help eliminate some symptoms that may seem like true Alzheimer's and to effectively distinguish between the numerous alternative causes of dementia, some of which are completely treatable.

Rabu, 04 September 2013

Symptoms of Alzheimer's

Symptoms of Alzheimer's

When word Alzheimer's is mentioned, the primary factor that comes to mind is memory loss. This assumption is correct given that the doctor's have determined this to be a disorder that usually happens to previous people.

There are many symptoms of Alzheimer's and doctors typically associate it with the seven stages. There is no reason behind alarm nonetheless in the primary 2 stages since even the best individuals tend to forget things every thus often.

The first 2 stages might last for four years. However, when this happens more frequently, the patient could already be in the third or fourth stage and this can be simply going to urge worse. A straightforward example could be if the individual is unable to complete a simple task that was simply done within the past like doing a little basic arithmetic.

Individuals can undoubtedly notice the changes. This is often the reason some family members take shifts watching over the loved one or get a nurse to look at over the person.

The fifth stage is best referred to as moderate Alzheimer's because aside from not having the ability to recall names or do things while not help, the individual can become disoriented and might sometimes stray.

One precaution typically being taken is for the patient to wear an ID card in the neck or placed within the pocket. This contains the name, address and phone person of who ought to be referred to as when this happens.

The sixth stage of Alzheimer's is when the person additionally begins to possess mood swings. The patient might be jolly to talking to other people when suddenly everything changes and the attitude is currently hostile to whoever is there.

The more serious half concerning the disorder throughout this stage is that the person will act like a baby. Tantrums could be thrown however the more serious half is seeing the patient defecate on his or herself. The caretaker can have to wash up the mess as though the person was an infant and are advised to use adult diapers, which is a lot of convenient when cleaning up the mess.

The seventh stage of Alzheimer's isn't that bad anymore. This is because the body's systems will slowly pack up. The patient won't speak or do anything and will usually just stare into space.

It is like the person gave up the will to measure. The body could be there however the mind or the soul has gone off to a different place.  

Anyone who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's can have but ten years left to measure. Doctors solely catch on in the third and fourth stages since the symptoms of short-term memory loss are hardly noticeable and typically attributed to aging.

What can people do for those who have Alzheimer's? Unfortunately, there is not that much anyone can do because there's no cure nevertheless for this disorder. There are medicine out there that can only bog down the process before it gets worse however people who care are simply delaying the inevitable.

Research shows that there are way more than four million folks within the country that are full of this disease. The figure can go higher because the baby boom generation additionally reaches the same age.

As long as there are drugs which will delay the process, doctors might be in a position to shop for a very little more time so that the person could live to work out the day that a cure has been made. 

Flax Seed Nutrition

Flax Seed Nutrition
Flax seed is high in most of the B vitamins, magnesium, and manganese, but this little seed is just getting started.

Flax Seed is Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are a key force against inflammation in our bodies. Mounting evidence shows that inflammation plays a part in many chronic diseases including heart disease, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and even some cancers. This inflammation is enhanced by having too little Omega-3 intake (such as in fish, flax, and walnuts), especially in relation to Omega-6 fatty acid intake (in
oils such as soy and corn oil). In the quest to equalize the ratio of these two kinds of oils, flax seed can be a real help.

Most of the oil in flax seeds is alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an Omega-3 that is a precursor to the fatty acids found in salmon and other fatty cold-water fish (called EPA and DHA). Because not everyone is able to easily convert ALA into EPA and (especially) DHA, it is best not to rely solely on flax for your Omega-3 intake. However, ALA also has good effects of its own, and definitely helps in the Omega 3/6 balance.

Flax Seed is High in Fiber: You’d be hard-pressed to find a food higher in fiber both soluble and insoluble than flax. This fiber is probably mainly responsible for the cholesterol-lowering effects of flax. Fiber in the diet also helps stabilize blood sugar, and, of course, promotes proper functioning of the intestines.Flax Seed is High in Phytochemicals: Flax seed is high in phytochemicals, including many antioxidants. It is perhaps our best source of lignans, which convert in our intestines to substances that tend to balance female hormones.

There is evidence that lignans may promote fertility, reduce peri-menopausal symptoms, and possibly help prevent breast cancer. In addition, lignans may help prevent Type 2 diabetes.

Note that a) flax seeds need to be ground to make the nutrients available (otherwise they just “pass through”) and
b) flax seed oil alone contains neither the fiber nor the phytochemicals of whole flax seed meal.

Benefits of Barley Juice Powder

Benefits of Barley Juice Powder
Young barley grass is one of the most nutrient-packed foods found in nature. With 10 times the calcium of milk, 5 times the iron in spinach, and more protein per weight than a steak, barley juice is a true super food. Doctors, nutritionists, and alternative health care practitioners are prescribing barley grass for just about anything that ails you. Barley grass is loaded with every essential amino acid, over 12 minerals, and 13 different vitamins (including Vitamin K!). Plus, 41% of barley grass is digestible protein, which body builders love. And, at 66 times the chlorophyll as spinach, it makes getting your daily intake of raw veggies as easy as one quick BG drink the morning. In fact, Barley Juice Powder contains 66 times the chlorophyll of spinach. Barley Juice Powder might be low on calories with just 10 per serving, but packs quite a nutritional punch with 20 amino acids, 12 minerals, and 13 different vitamins.  And the 600 mg of fiber per serving explain why many users report more regular bowels.

Partial List of Barley Juice Powder Benefits 

  •   Naturally improves energy 
  •   Rich in antioxidants 
  •  Improves digestion  & regularity 
  •  Alkalizes the internal body 
  •  Helps rebuild the immune system 
  •  Provides raw building blocks for the hair, skin and nails 
  •  Contains cleansing properties 
  •  Anti-inflammatory ingredients 
  •  Promotes clear thinking 
  •  Plus, Anti-aging properties 
  •  Twenty amino acids, including eight essential that the body cannot produce by themselves. 
  •  Since oxygen is the prime ingredient for turning food into useable energy, an acidic body is a tired body.


Popeye was right! Spinach has more documented health benefits than almost any other food! (please note that other dark greens such as kale, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, turnip greens, romaine and bok choy, may be just as nutritious. However, these are not as well studied or as frequently consumed by individuals).

Great for use in a variety of dishes, spinach is a nutrient packed vegetable that you can incorporate into almost any meal. The cartoon character Popeye attributed his great strength to eating spinach as the nutritional benefits include high levels of iron, zinc, and vitamins such as A and C.

Spinach may play a role in the slowdown of the aging process, and help to maintain brain function.  These potential health benefits, along with the proven nutritional benefits of spinach make it a must-have in your diet. There are several studies demonstrating an inverse relationship between spinach consumption and:

  •  Cardiovascular disease
  •  Several types of cancer including colon, lung, skin, stomach, ovarian, prostate and breast
  •  Age-related macular degeneration 
  •  Cataracts

Here is a list of everything we know so far that is found in spinach:

  1.  Carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene  
  2.  Antioxidants (glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins C and E  
  3.  Vitamin K  
  4.  Coenzyme Q-10  
  5.  B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, B6 and folate)  
  6.  Minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc)  
  7.  Chlorophyll  
  8.  Polyphenols  
  9.  Betaine (a derivative of choline which is an essential fat)  
  10.  Plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids 

Quite impressive-and this list may grow.



The astounding health benefits of Chlorella and Spirulina Super Foods Spirulina is a whole-food, not a concentrate, not an extract. It is detoxifying. A person can not eat too much and overdose on Spirulina. It contains more bio-chelated organic iron than any other whole-food. Bio chelated means that the iron will easily be assimilated into the body. Spirulina has 58 times the iron of raw spinach and 28 times that of raw beef liver.


Extremely High in Vitamins, Minerals & Amino Acids (Protein) There are over 70,000 species of algae in the world. Some are magnificent whole foods such as Chlorella Pyrensoida.  Chlorella is this very particular strain of Chlorella. It is a green algae, one of the oldest foods on the planet. Fossils exist of Chlorella Pyrensoidosa that are over 4 billion years old. Chlorella is extremely high in vitamins and minerals. It contains
the full Vitamin B Complex (synonymous with high energy), Vitamins E & C and has a wide range of minerals, including magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. It is great for anyone to take at any age, from infant or elderly.


Spirulina is a whole-food, not a concentrate, not an extract. It is detoxifying. A person can not eat too much and overdose on Spirulina. It contains more bio-chelated organic iron than any other whole-food. Bio chelated means that the iron will easily be assimilated into the body. Spirulina has 58 times the iron of raw spinach and 28 times that of raw beef liver.

What Chlorella and Spirulina super foods really do for your health. They offer a stunning array of health benefits. Chlorella and Spirulina have been shown to be effective in treating and even  reversing the following conditions:

1.  Cancers (all types) 
2.  Obesity 
3.  Diabetes 
4.  Hypoglycemia 
 5. Arthritis 
6.  Depression 
7.  Severe liver damage and liver disorders 
8.  Intestinal ulcers 
9.  Hemorrhoids 
10.  Asthma 
11. High blood pressure 
12.  Constipation 
13.  Bleeding gums 
14.  Infections 
15.  Inflammation of joints and tissues 
16.  Body odor / breath odor 
17.  Various degenerative diseases 
18.  Essential fatty acid deficiencies 
19.  Mineral deficiencies (magnesium is a common deficiency) 

Who are littered with Alzheimer’s disease?

Who are littered with Alzheimer’s disease?

Although there are cases of Alzheimer’s that affected folks in their 30s, most patients are over the age of sixty five and a overwhelming majority is over the age of eighty five. Besides recent age, specialists believe that a family history of the same problem or of dementia could predispose somebody to the disease.
This is often as a result of specialists pinpoint a defect within the genetic build from the one that has Alzheimer’s disease.

Individuals who are not much into mental pursuits or work that do not much involve mental strains can conjointly possibly develop the disease compared to folks who typically stretch their mental muscles. In reality, one in all the means to stop the onset of dementia is to exercise the brain incessantly particularly throughout recent age.

Even when one is already retired from work, recent people should not forget to still use their minds by engaging in mental pursuits such as reading, answering crossword puzzles and even playing board games.

How do you diagnose Alzheimer's Disease?

As mentioned earlier, it's extraordinarily troublesome for an individual to differentiate an ordinary case of forgetfulness and dementia at the beginning of the progression. Some of the symptoms of the disease such as slow mental processing and forgetfulness may be attributed to other problems such as thyroid gland problems, reactions to medications that are being taken, and even simply a traditional aging process.

To very ensure that the problem is indeed Alzheimer’s, doctors rule out other possibilities and conduct series of tests. The only way actually to conclusively confirm the presence of Alzheimer’s is to examine a cross section of the brain tissue when an individual is already dead.

Alzheimer’s Info

Alzheimer’s Info
Alzheimer’s Info

Unbelievably, one out of ten folks over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s disease. In truth, during a recent statistic polls, almost nineteen million Americans suffer one approach or the opposite from this dreaded progressive disease. Below are some info that you will realize helpful concerning the disease.

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative downside characterised by memory loss along with loss in thinking skills. It's truly half of a constellation of memory and brain issues referred to as dementia. It can lead to behavioral changes, loss of language skills, disorientation, confusion and increasing dependency. Most consultants believe that Alzheimer’s is caused by a downside within the genetic build-up and is typically associated with old age.

What are the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?

What is however difficult with this downside is the very fact that the onset of the disease will usually manifest in symptoms usually related to forgetfulness when getting old. What separates this downside though is the actual fact that folks with Alzheimer’s will eventually even forget normal routines and simple tasks. For instance, patients with Alzheimer’s will forget how to carry a spoon and fork while others will forget a way to brush their teeth and take a tub. Believe it or not, some medical experts even say that some even forget hoe to breathe, something that comes quite naturally with someone.

One drawback though with this is often the very fact that one can actually have no way of knowing whether it's standard forgetfulness or Alzheimer’s when it is just in the initial stages. It will begin with normal forgetting of names and faces until it progresses to something major that may render the person totally incapacitated.

Senin, 02 September 2013


Jujubes belong to the Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn) family. Ziziphus jujuba, commonly called jujube, red date, Chinese date, Korean date, or Indian date is a species of Ziziphus in the buckthorn family, used primarily as a shade tree that also bears fruit Jujube contains antioxidant with rejuvenating properties to help improve the immune system and overall health.

1.  Jujube contains high amount of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, manganese and calcium.

2.  Jujube contains vitamin C, riboflavin and thiamine. Jujube fruit has 20 times the amount of vitamin C as citrus fruits.

3.  The vitamin and mineral content of the jujube helps to soothe the stomach, ease sore throats, suppress the appetite, support cardiovascular health, enhance metabolism and cleanse the blood vessels.

4.  The body requires 24 amino acids to function, and the jujube fruit contains 18 of the 24. Amino acids help with the maintenance and formation of the bones, skin, muscle, bloods, hormones, neurotransmitters and enzymes in the body. They are also essential to the building of more that 50,000 proteins made by the human body. Amino acids assist the body in healing wounds and diseases.

5. The protective effects of jujube fruit on the liver help to eliminate oxidative stress in the liver. Oxidative stress is when free radicals form in the body and interact with cells. Free radicals can lead to many diseases.

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