Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Trapped In Lift - do this...

What to do when you are trapped in a lift ???

We never know when and where accidents will happen to us OR people around us. Read on and hope this piece of information may help any of us when things do happen to yourself, our friends and our loved ones.
One day, while in a lift, it suddenly broke down and it was falling from level 13 at a fast speed. Fortunately, I remembered watching a TV program that taught you must quickly press all the buttons for all the levels.
Finally, the lift stopped at the 5th level.
When you are facing life and death situations, whatever decisions or actions you make decides your survival.
If you are caught in a lift breakdown, first thought in mind may be 'waiting to die'...
But after reading below, things will definitely be different the next time you are caught in a lift...
First - Quickly press all the different levels of buttons in the lift.
When the emergency electricity supply is being activated, it will stop the lift from falling further.
Second - Hold on tight to the handle (if there is any).. It is to support your position and prevent you from falling or getting hurt when you lost your balance.
Third - Lean your back and head against the wall forming a straight line.
Leaning against the wall is to use it as a support for your back/spine as protection.
Fourth - Bend your knees
Ligament is a flexible, connective tissue. Thus, the impact of fractured bones will be minimised during fall.

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

3 meals a day is ideal to take care of your hair

1) a cup of milk added to vitamins

2) eggs Poached

3) a large slice of bread

4) the problem of vegetable

5) a grain of citrus fruit

1) the authority dish containing dark-colored vegetables as Jerir, spinach, broccoli, thyme, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes, with the addition of 5 grains of walnuts and a teaspoon of flax seed oil.

2) 10 pieces of beef liver, grilled with a little oil.

3) 3 grains of baked potatoes.

Snack: A cup of fruit salad containing strawberries, bananas, apples, kiwi, oranges, almonds and pine.

1) the authority dish containing vegetables darker with the addition of a teaspoon of flax seed oil.

2) cups of pasta + sauce red + medium-sized piece of grilled meat, and vegetables beside boiled or roast as Asparagus

, carrots and mushrooms.

Snack: 3 pills Islands cut into thin slices + little lemon juice.

Should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

One last tip: The secret of healthy hair to focus on dealing with proteins, grains and vegetables.

Pomegranate juice against prostate cancer

U.S. researchers reported that pomegranate juice - which was notorious as a health drink - has the effect of anti-prostate cancer, according to research conducted on laboratory mice.

The researchers said in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said the prostate tumors in mice that were transferred to human cancer prostate tumors shrank after drinking pomegranate juice.

The researchers stressed that this drink dark red rich in antioxidants are chemicals that give fruits and vegetables their deep colors and play against the chemicals that damage cells, leading to cancer and other diseases.

A professor of dermatology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Dr. Hasan Mukhtar - who led the research team said in a statement released on Tuesday - that's reason enough for being tested on humans this fruit to treat cancer and prevention.

However, the difference is still significant between the treatment of mice infected with human cancer and the transition to treat the same rights but other studies have shown that pomegranate juice and other foods rich in antioxidants may help fight tumors.

It is known that prostate cancer is the second biggest killer of men after lung cancer. According to the American Cancer Society is expected to kill this type of cancer, 30 thousand people this year.

The Assembly also expects that the disease is detected at 230 thousand Americans this year, most likely not to choose the control treatment but slow growth of the cancer concern.

Five symptoms to know Breast Cancer

Breast tumors are the most common tumors in women, and if 90% of benign tumors only 15% of breast tumors are malignant tumors 'cancer'. In America there are about one hundred and eighty thousand new cases of breast cancer, and more than forty thousand deaths from this cancer annually. U.S. statistics indicate that one of every eight or ten women develop breast cancer.

Cause of the disease:

The cause of this cancer is unknown, but there are factors such as:


The virus.

Quality of eating.




There are also factors that increase the possibility of the emergence of this cancer, including:


Pregnancy after the age of thirty.

Starting menstruation before the age of twelve.

Continuation of the post-menstrual age of fifty.


Incidence of breast cancer in relatives.

It was found a relationship between breast cancer and other cancers in women, such as cancer of the ovaries, and the fact that 75% of cases of this disease can not be linked to appear in any of the above.

What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer:

Part 1: Every woman should be fully aware of the form and size and strength of her breast, and to periodically examine the same month, after the end of the menstrual cycle a few days and must review and inform your doctor as soon as any of the following changes:

1 and a mass in the breast 'is usually not painful'.

2 discharge from the nipple, whether mixed with blood or secretions Yellow 'is not mixed with blood'.

3 change in the color of the nipple and the skin and the appearance of cracks or shrinkage of the nipple.

4 swollen lymph nodes under the armpit.

5 localized breast pain 'Although most malignant tumors are not accompanied by pain'.

What is required?

Part 2: required by the instructions and guidance centers and associations in the field of specialized health breast tumors as follows:

1 Keep yourself periodically check each month.

2 Check your breasts regularly X-ray every two years from the age of forty to fifty, and then annually thereafter.

3 Choose a center there by physicians specializing in the follow-up treatment with the same doctors they can review the files and compared to a year, so rays can detect any change easily.


1 eat less fat.

2 to avoid obesity.

3 foods to eat a lot of fiber.

4 a lot of eating fruits and vegetables.

5 consult a doctor when you see any symptoms of sickness breast.

6 of the periodic inspection.

Walking reduces the risk of breast cancer

A study Scientific American, the practice of actively walking for an hour or two hours per week reduces the risk of breast cancer by 20 per cent for women and even if their use of certain hormones to treat symptoms of menopause. It is based on research results of the study dealt with analysis of data for more than 74 thousand women between the ages of 50 to 79 years. The study found that women who engage in exercise, limited to a period of time ranging from an hour and a quarter to two and a half per week ratio decreased breast cancer by 18 per cent compared to women inactive. The results of the study suggest that exercise may reduce the impact of the use of hormone that can trigger breast cancer, but does not eliminate those effects at all, and according to Dr. 'Mac as Tiznn' principal investigator at the Fred Hutchinson for Research Breast Cancer in Seattle. The study also demonstrated that the initiation of a simple exercise at a later age for women is happening the same positive effects compared with those who engage in sports in the early stages of their lives.

Surgical treatment of malignant breast tumors

C 3: different treatment of breast cancer according to the stage or the degree to which a patient is diagnosed:

1 breast cancer stage I and II.

2 breast cancer stage III.

3 breast cancer stage IV.

Surgical treatment of breast cancer Phase I and II.

Tumors in these two phases, which reduces usually 5 cm in circumference inside the breast with the possibility of the presence of lymph glands under the armpit, and there are two trends of treatment:

The first trend:

1 to remove the tumor and maintain the breast with the removal of lymph nodes under the armpit and giving radiotherapy to the breast.

2 complementary chemotherapy if cancer cells have found the lymph glands, or if the patient is in the stage before menopause.

3 give the hormone therapy, especially if it was found that the selection of cancer cells to the hormonal receptor positive.

The second trend:

If breast size is small and the tumor is large or if the tumor is at an advanced stage localized preferable in these cases mastectomy with lymph nodes from under the armpit lymph glands if found cancerous cells give the patient chemotherapy and possibly radiation and hormone supplement.

Surgical treatment of tumor Phase III:

This is a tumor in an advanced stage localized tumor of any size greater than 5 cm or extended to the chest muscles or skin with the possibility of lymph glands under the armpit. In this case must be given chemotherapy before any surgical intervention 'about three sessions' so younger than the size of the tumor and it might be possible in this case, remove the tumor and lymph nodes and to maintain the breast and then give the rest of the chemotherapy and radiation and hormonal.

Surgical treatment of tumor Phase IV:

At this stage the tumor has spread to other parts of the body 'out of the breast' and the treatment would often by hormones if the tumor is hormone receptor positive or chemotherapy if the hormone receptor negative, or tumor Refunds after hormone therapy and sometimes treatment of complications of tumor localized 'breast' as the existence of ulcers have a doctor to intervene surgically or give spot-ray of the breast.

Discoloration of the teeth


External causes:
Sediment surface where it settles to some dyes and pigments found in food on the surface of the teeth and This type of hypocrisy when a lot of tea and coffee, smoking and certain medications for patients Iron solutions anemia and some mouthwashes solutions that address gingivitis such as klorhecsudain, and can control this type of Discoloration pigmentation or by brushing the teeth regularly and conduct periodic teeth cleaning at the dentist twice a year.
Accumulation of bacterial plaque counties contain the bacteria, especially Lactobacillus and Streptococcus Mutans and limestone deposits (calculus) on the tooth surface as the lack of clean teeth properly, adequate and predictable can lead to the formation of bacterial plaque and tartar time occurs for this plaque and then stained to the color turns to dark brown or . This bacterial plaque can also be removed through the practice of oral health and home on a regular basis, which include brushing teeth and cleaning the spaces between the Sunni through the use of thread in addition to periodic cleaning of the teeth at the dentist twice a year.

Domestic reasons:
The pigmentation which arises from the interior of age , and spoke these Colouration often die after the age or after handling the nerve, and there are certain ways to clean and then teeth whitening .this reason have made the dentist with the knowledge that in most cases it is the culmination or coating Age processor that would bring the League of age for the original color.

The causes of defects:
It causes that occur in the heart of the Sunni structure of the material, such as during a dental discoloration caused by tetracycline use of the drug or the result of some dental diseases such as congenital diseases are poor or ill-Ivory is the port. This is in addition to that, even for the natural color of teeth is different from person to person and there is a certain color can be considered a color ideal for all human beings, where for each person to the appropriate color which corresponds with the color of skin, for example.

Methods of Treatment:
Most of the discoloration of the teeth can be addressed in the following ways:

Brushing teeth at the doctor:
This is the basis where all roads should be cleaned at the dentist and polished and then not report whether there is a need for other therapeutic means.

Teeth whitening:
Through this method can be used chemicals with oxidizing properties as Hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, one of the most effective and which have been studied scientifically and saturated scientific research. Where they are used multiple concentrations of which is used when a doctor in the clinic, including those used in my house, and the laser can be used with this material being bound upon to accelerate its work and the teeth whitening duration slightly shorter, but the laser will not change or improve the bleaching winning factor, as it accelerated the work of the Article bleached only.

Fillings label:
And here is the use of fillings kambozat label and similar to the natural color of the teeth on the surface of the teeth that Colouration, and can use this method does not work when the use of bleaching chemicals.

Ceramic crowns:
Used in cases of severe discoloration and in case of failure of the methods listed above, especially in case of a disease is bad in ivory or the port

Hindi nine tips to protect your hair

There is no doubt that the Hindu girl has a beautiful shiny hair, and are generally characteristic of the continent have girls Hindi. In the Indian study published recently recommended cosmetic specialists in India, followers of nine notes help get your hair soft and healthy.

1 - healthy hair starts from your body you should know
Foods that you eat is affect mainly to get healthy hair Try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits contain natural sugar, as well as Eat dairy products like milk, yogurt and eat the coconut recipe, where it proved essential for hair health, Pour a little of it on the Authority or with rice in order to get the full the desired results.

2 - Avoid canned food
Foods canned materials are packed with preservatives that do not contain very useful for the body, making them very useful, as well as cold drinks hamper the digestion process and construction in the body so it is advisable to stay away as well.

3 - Add the spices to your food types
The addition of spices to your food gives it a special flavor in addition to these spices contribute to the provision of healthy nutrition for your hair.

So try to add it to food, especially soups or during frying vegetables, can also add cumin and black pepper roasted and ground fresh milk before eating, and eating the hibiscus plant also have an impact is effective in stimulating all the functions of the body in general.

4 - Stress
Have a serious impact on your health and also the color of your hair, try to organize and control your time and get rid of stress resulting from the lack of time ..

Try a relaxation exercises such as meditation .. Try to go to nature to assist in achieving greater health and mental balance more .. And Padre get enough sleep and comfortable as it helps greatly to the growth and renewal of hair.

5 - Avoid the use of materials that contain chemicals
Because it will lead to the destruction of your hair in the long term .. Padre to search for natural substances do not harm your hair during the washing and cleaning, especially if you wash your hair more than three times a week.

Therefore prefer to use the types of shampoo and conditioner of vegetable origin because it contributes to feed your hair better. Therefore, a national reading the ingredients before buying shampoo because some products may contain the word vegetable in the name of the product while it may not contain any component plant in the truth.

6 - Get oil bath with a massage of the scalp permanently
Access to bathrooms with massage oil scalp three times a week to stimulate the development process of your hair and gives it strength and great health as well as maintain moisture in the scalp is essential for healthy hair.

It is recommended here using coconut oil, almonds and olive oil. Then add the warm oil to your hair and carefully distributed to all scalp and then massage the scalp Padre parties fingers.

It is recommended that Left it on your hair until the morning if possible and if not, try to keep it as long as possible so that at least the oil bath for two hours, then use your hair shampoo to clean the scalp massage also helps to relax and to get a comfortable sleep as well.

7 - Do not use the brush and your hair wet
Never should be doing to demobilize if brushing your hair wet and no matter how you hurry, the best way to wet hair is the use of interlaced wooden-toothed comb, not a broad brush.

8 - as well as the excessive use of hair dryer
Leading to damage to hair in the long term it leads to dry hair and pounding his limbs so it is advisable to leave your hair dry naturally, and then do honorably discharged.

9 - Finally, the large amount of hair and use a brush
Lead to the appearance in a healthy and shiny, so national each night by a hair brush for the demobilization of all sides, but separately.

Any honorably discharged from the nationalist right to left and then from front to back or vice versa, and Use a good brush and Start from the scalp and finish at the edge of the hair.

Risks of smoking on oral health and dental

If we reflect the relationship of the mouth, we find that smoking a cigarettes like the mouth of the chimney, which we see the roofs of houses. Imagine how to be smoked after igniting the wood, and burned with the deep dark days do not bear the heat, especially in hot winters long and may collapse.

This is the case inanimate objects, let alone under any circumstances mouth of that member and surrounded by delicate thin membrane and gums with a thin and very important functions such as eating, chewing and speaking. But beyond that important to be a source of beauty and a smile for the presence of teeth and lips.

How can we offer those tissues to the wood we burn ourselves and boast about it in order to burn the bodies and our money.

Some see smoking as pleasure in the imagination, but it is certainly harmful to the airframe. This is reached by modern science and confirmed by research in all parts of the globe. It's even become the social ill that criticizes rational people and abused so as to deprive him of the find at the ill-effects serious and sometimes fatal.

Damage of smoking on the mouth
That the harmful effects of smoking go beyond the mouth and deadly diseases include respiratory and heart and blood vessels, known to everyone. But the impact of smoking on the mouth was not raising the necessary and sufficient to highlight here that the impact of smoking on the health of the mouth and teeth with the importance of medical advice to refrain from smoking before it is too late.

What are the disadvantages of smoking on the mouth and teeth?
The mouth is the first member affected by smoking, particularly as it directly exposed to the constituent chemical cigarette of the so-called tobacco. The Tissue affected are the soft tissue and coated the tongue and roof of the mouth and floors and cheeks, gums, and lips as well as the row of pearls, which boast beauty among the people. And the consequences of smoking and disastrous and alarming and can be summarized as follows:

- Cancer of the mouth and surrounding tissue and ulcers and chronic fungal infection such as Candida.

- Chronic gum disease, which is the major cause of loss of teeth (abate the sense of taste and smell and the lack of rate of secretion of saliva) discoloration and change color of the teeth and tongue (emission of foul odors from the mouth) the lack of success rate of some treatments such as dental implants, calendar, and the possibility of complications such as inflammation of the bone When extractions.

Oral cancer
Cancer of the mouth of the most serious consequences of Smoking and usually occurs with chronic smoking-intensive and misfortune that does not appear, but the real appearance in the late stages At the outset, usually, painless and does not attract the interest of the patient's symptoms and the most important:

- The emergence of alarming cracks in the mouth, burning in some parts of the mouth

- The emergence of chronic ulcers and many at the bottom of the tongue or lining of the cheek or lips and vary in size from small to another ulcers may extend over large areas of the membrane lining the oral tissues.

- The emergence of bulges and white spots or painful tongue or lining of the cheeks, lips and usually tends to have a white color to change when some red or yellow or brown or gray depending on the food and beverage intake and the length of the ulcer. This so-called disease Iukubleika, which is usually regarded as the beginning of cancerous transformation.

- Difficulty in chewing, swallowing, speech and movement of the jaw

- The movement of teeth in a strange way lead to the non-occlusion

- Numbness in the lips or tongue or other areas in the mouth such as the presence of these symptoms when smoke alarms require a visit to the doctor in charge.

Ulcerative oral
One main symptom of smoking also inflammation of oral mucosa in many places such as the roof of the mouth, tongue and lips and a consequence of congestion, redness of the mouth membrane by absorbing the smoke, which shakes the pressure inside the mouth.

As well as the heat generated from the combustion of tobacco, let alone the impact of chemical constituents of tobacco, which directly affect the oral membrane. The result is also cracked and dry oral membrane as well as the lips, which is greatly affected by this.

In these cases, chronic infections, the beginning of the emergence of oral cancer, especially in the presence of inflammation in the roof of the mouth for long periods lead to the salivary glands affected by surface are out there and show the forms of red blisters grow and swell due to a blocked lymph channels and over time this may turn into a type of cancer that affects the glands the so-called Mikoabidirmoid.

Gum disease
Smoking is a major cause, accounting for 75% of gum disease in adults. Periodontal disease is a major cause of chronic loss of teeth.

What is happening is an inflammation of Gingivitis initially extends to the gum tissue surrounding the teeth and lead to erosion of the separation of the gums and bone around the tooth which leads to receding gums, which in turn lead to reveal the roots of the teeth causing tooth sensitivity when dealing with excessive hot and cold items and displays the roots to decay which is sometimes extends to areas under the bone. In the end, the result will be shaken in the teeth and then falling down or takes them off.

It also decreased the effects of smoking had denied the sense of taste and smell and lack of saliva secretion rate, leading to vulnerability and functions of the mouth in general, and this are what gives smokers the feeling disgusted and discomfort in their mouths.

Color of the teeth and tongue
This effect is aesthetic, which are important for smokers with that view only and ignore what is most important and serious than reported previously. Why? Because it is aesthetic and does not want to show the smoker's teeth color and smell to the community.

Teeth of smokers usually comes in a dark color resulting from the accumulation of components of smoke on the teeth, especially in the presence of limestone and lime. Increasingly darker color so that it looks ugly, especially when those who do not care for oral and dental hygiene, not visiting the dentist down.

What makes the case worse is the use of bleaching powder, which leads to increased surface roughness of the teeth and eat it, causing the increased rate of accumulation of lime, lime and black spots, as well as catch a smoker suffering from another type, namely the excessive sensitivity of the teeth.

Fragrances BREATH
The smell of the mouth let smokers to purchase various types of chewing gum and lotions with fragrances and pure Putty Commercial and labeled as appropriate for smokers not only that it is for propaganda only.

Also, only a temporary impact. why pay any attention to them and you have the correct treatment, but is refraining from smoking.

Complications and failures of smoking leads to a lack of proportion of success of some treatments such as dental implants, calendar, and the possibility of complications such as inflammation of the bone when extractions.

Some smokers keen to teeth, but is surprised that he could not hold all the dental treatments like non-smoker. Studies have shown that the success rate of dental implants in smokers and less prone to failure. As well as delayed healing and heal the wounds of the mouth after any surgery in the mouth such as tooth extraction or processes gums.

And sometimes may lead to inflammation of the bone, which causes a lot of pain.

Do you use pipe or pipe, or cigars less harmful than smoking cigarettes?
This is not true, rather, one of Damage and be the most Sometimes when you use other methods of smoking. The use of pipe tobacco focuses on some areas intensively, which increases the chances of ulcers and cancer.

The use of hookah may speed up the transmission of other diseases such as tuberculosis and acute hepatitis. Due to the use by more than one person in the presence of a respiratory mouth full of decaying Sores and gaps.

What about the impact of tobacco, such as Sniff and others?
That affect the most . Scientists have discovered no less than twenty-eight carcinogen in this type of tobacco also said the immediate focus of tobacco on certain areas, such as membrane under the tongue increases the risks. And beyond the impact to some members away from the mouth, such as the esophagus, colon, pancreas and bladder. The reason is due to swallowing the smoker to tobacco juice consisting of chewing.

Finally, we do not recall this information in order to scare smokers enumerate them as far as facts that would convince them to quit smoking, humans do not live only once and in conclusion, we are friendly for your Mouths to be thinner than the stacks you.

The risk of hair dryer

Hair dryer which operates hot air heat, before embarking on this subject we must know the heat: energy is transmitted from the body or body or system to another system at different temperatures, and energy: the changes or chemical reactions or biochemical or Physical Chemistry that occurs to the body by different processes, including heat, Hair Dryer one of these processes that occur these changes or interactions in the human body by hot air from the heat and vein that runs through the hot wire before departure within the powder causing the heat released if not used properly cancerous tumors, or killing of brain cells, lead with the passage of time permanent, non-use right, to death. We note that most of the hair drying devices contain two-speed or three, the first to introduce ordinary air, then the second hot air average temperature, and finally hot air too. Many of the women used the device in a manner that bad start to drying their hair with hot air and very targeted directly to the scalp, and here lies the danger, and that the direct effect on brain cells not adapted to these extreme heat .. The way the right is to start gradually by cold air and then the normal average, and hot to create all of the scalp and brain cells to accept this new situation.
There are several facts to prove it, if we assume that a piece of iron heated slowly up to the heat slowly until you feel your fingertips from heat you will Take DISCRETION, but if you must, hold this piece is too hot without the knowledge of your injury, it is certainly harmed by the heat from piece of iron to your fingertips, leading to damage and death of the infected cells, as well as for the hair dryer.
And more clarification from the effect of temperature .. Sunstroke and injuries occur with direct impact is the same powder, but the injury is direct and strong impact on the case when it affects the sun strikes a direct effect on brain cells, which affects the central nervous system thus leads to a coma, and may lead to death if not first aid.
Each user of a hair dryer that can lead this simple test, and you Recognize this story running national hot air dried very quickly and shedding directly on the scalp, What advice can you feel the change that gets you from the intense heat on brain cells, the output of this hot air work disorders in those cells and atrophy of some of the other.
The proof of this fact on the impact of temperature in cancer of the delegation said that the search of the World Health Organization in the seventies to the calendar area to study the phenomena of the emergence of cancerous tumors that affect the mouth, after a thorough study of many of the reported cases it was unclear which directly cause the phenomena, and finally explained The main reason that most of the people of that region ate meals, especially rice is very hot, leading to cell death of the mouth is affected by this heat.
And one other witness that many skin doctors warn of drinking tea and coffee is too hot for their direct impact on cells of the mouth and pharynx, also warns doctors skin from direct exposure to the scorching sun of the skin beach-goers advised to be dropped marine body painted some oils and creams that protect the body from the heat so as not to infected skin cancer.
The live-action scenes of the impact of heat on solids, pour a cup of tea in the cold, the sudden drop in temperature occurs sometimes broken or crack in the cup, as a result of random disturbances and repulsion between the chemical bonds that are part of the glass made him a cup of tea, as the Many doctors advise against a public body is exposed to air currents from the sudden cold to hot or vice verse so as not to be affected by the body are not affected by any human cells exposed to a cold or the flu, and this is what happens to the scalp or brain cells after bathing or washing of the scalp cells are brain cool, and the direct impact of these sudden temperature occurs may have dire consequences, so you must follow the proper way to create a scalp or brain cells, and the gradual degrees of air from the average normal to you may be so hot to have created these cells to receive this heat.

ice cream with Strawberry sauce, nuts

1 package vanilla ice cream
2 tbsp crushed hazelnuts
2 tbsp crushed peanuts

1 / 2 kg strawberries
200 grams sugar
2 lemon juice

How to prepare:
- prepare a vessel and put all the components prior to the fire for 15 minutes to boil well and then we beat her in a blender, filter, and left to use.
- Prepare a deep cup and put ice cream and strawberries thieves and outlines the nuts in it.

ice cream with White chocolate

½ cup of white chocolate
¾ cup of sugar
A quarter liter of water
4 eggs whites
A decent pint
4 tablespoons of bleached strawberry wafer biscuits and chocolate black

How to prepare:
- national human beings human beings coarse white chocolate.
- The child mix sugar and water in a casserole, then a national Agitators it on low heat until it melts, and leaves to a boil for 15 minutes without tipping over, and still on fire and left to warm.
- The child Whisk egg whites using a wooden spoon, with the addition of a little drink a little bit with the mixture without interruption until toughen the mixture.
- Fail stones in his urine (using a wooden spoon), but without the freeze, and add gently to mix egg whites, and add the white chocolate and biscuits, grated and stir well.
- The child developed a metal mixture in the bowl and placed in the freezer from 4 to 5 hours or even freezes, and provides an overview to cut biscuits and strawberries, and then sprayed it grated chocolate.

Treatment of any pain

Do friction palms of the hands of the power due to friction, static, and place the hands on the subject of pain directly on the skin, research is through contact with the skin. Lightly for a few minutes, then re-contact and touch several times

This method is very useful in conditions of headache or in any cases of infectious intestinal distractions or other nerve pain, and you can make yourself to yourself


This is to let you know that this is about a health blog,with tips how to increase the health of each other of us.Managing your health is the best way for a long living life.In this blog your will find all information you need to improve your health.Let us all improve our health.
The first day God created the cow.God said, "You must go to the field with the farmer all day suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer. So, I am given you sixty years of life."The cow said, "is a damned tough life you want for me during sixty years. It's OK for 20 years and I give the other forty. "And God agreed.

The second day, God created the dog.God said, "Sit all day on the threshold of house and barks at anyone who enters or passes. I give you a period life of twenty years. "The dog said, "is too long for barking.Give me ten years and I pay the other 10. "So God has again been agreed (sigh).

The third day God created the monkey.God said, "Have fun of people, scientists made tours, made them laugh. I'll give a lifespan of twenty years. "The monkey said," Doing antics for 20 years? it's too boring! The dog has rendered 10 years, right? Bin I'm like, okay? "Again God has been agreed.

The fourth day God created man.God said, "Eat, sleep, play, , fun yourself. Be glad, good, quiet what! I give you 20 years. "The man replied," What? Only twenty years?That slab. Listen, I take my 20, 40 that the cow was delivered on 10 of dogs and 10 monkeys. It makes 80, okay? ""OK!" God replied. "bargain".
Thus during the first twenty years of our live ,seat, sleep, play, kiss, have fun and do nothing while the next forty years we have been working like a slave in the sun to maintain our family during the next decade we do of antics to entertain our grandchildren; and during the ten years we sit in front of the house to bark throughout the world! (Alain Bruno )

It is considered that healthy nourishment is a guarantee for a longer life. Nevertheless, it is considered that a constant diet does not guarantee at all the longevity. Certain recent discoveries of the American scientists emerged as a shock: people with excessive weight live longer that thin people!


1) Eat Better
College students are victimized by eating on the run, whether it be a quick bite at the Wright Place between classes or indulging in a tasty Big Mac. Rarely do college students pay attention to the food pyramid or whether or not they eat enough fruit and vegetables. In fact, many new dieting phenomena, such as the Atkins Diet, encourage elimination of important food groups, such as carbohydrates, as a substitute for weight loss via monitoring what you eat and exercise.
"The University attempts to provide a nutritious diet, but college students go for what tastes good and is easy. Usually, that is a bag of chips or a candy bar instead of a well-balanced meal," said Matt Cook, junior biology major.
Eating properly will not only help you look better but will improve your overall quality of life because your body will be supplied with the nutrients it needs to function normally.
2) Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Drinking large quantities of alcohol can wreak havoc on your body. All types of alcohol, especially beer, are full of empty calories. Beer is loaded with empty calories caused by an excessive amount of carbohydrates, which are stored as fat in the body and result in the "beer belly."
If eliminating drinking is not in your future, drinking light beer will significantly mitigate the effect of beer's carbohydrates. Most companies market light beer with significantly reduced crabs. Michelob Ultra, for example, only has 2.6 grams of carbohydrates per beer.
3) Cut Down On Stress
Stress is probably the most important health concern among college students. In fact, it is the underlying cause of the health obstacles that students face. Stress produces many undesirable effects in your body. Insomnia, high blood pressure, headaches, sexual dysfunction and immune deficiency can all usually be traced back to enduring excessive amounts of stress.
The key to reducing stress is incorporating enjoyable activities into your day and refusing to bite off more than you can chew. "No," is a word that probably ought to be used more by college students. But because of pressure to achieve, students try to do too much and as a result, are stressed.
4) Reduce Caffeine Intake
Many students use caffeine to stay awake and get an energy boost to function. Besides the fact that soft drinks are loaded with empty calories, excessive caffeine consumption may cause "coffee jitters," insomnia and temporarily increase heart rate. According to information obtained from Dining Services, the easiest way to cut caffeine out of your diet is to gradually remove it, drink decaffeinated coffee and drink more water.
5) Exercise
5) Exercise
Exercising regularly is one of the most important things you can do to keep your body's performance optimal. Exercising 3-4 times per week keeps your muscles peaked and increases your body's immune system. Most importantly, it helps keep your weight down so walking on the beach during spring break won't be an embarrassment.
6) Use Proper Protection in the Sun
College students are generally apathetic about skin care in the sun, but in the brutally hot Carolina summers, it's important to apply sunscreen when staying out in the sun for more than 20 minutes at a time. Wearing sunscreen will reduce the risk of developing sunburn, skin cancer and per-mature aging of the skin.
7) Get More Sleep
When homework and exams pile up, the only way most students can find to gain extra time is by cutting back on sleep. Sleeping on a regular schedule is important because it enables the body to recuperate and prevents fatigue, irritability and the inability to concentrate. While most college students sleep about six hours per night, it's recommended that the average adult gets seven to eight hours of R&R for maximum performance.
8) Develop Better Study Habits
Developing good study habits is of particular concern because it's an easy way to achieve stress relief and maintain a balanced schedule.
"Good study habits aren't usually thought of as a health concern, but if students adopt proper study habits, come exam time in April, students will be a lot less stressed," said Ty wanna Jeffrey, assistant director for wellness education.
9) Lose Weight
Being overweight is a risk factor for developing many diseases. The incidence of high blood pressure, cardiac disease and diabetes increases among overweight people. Determining whether or not you are overweight is easier than ever with quick indicators such as the Body Mass Index. Fortunately, losing weight is easier than ever due to increased understanding of dieting techniques and exercise. While students turn to means such as smoking to control their weight, such unhealthy techniques should be avoided.
10.) Get an Annual Physical
Whether or not you feel like you are in the best shape of your life, getting a yearly physical is highly recommended. Many STD s, especially in females, are asymptomatic and can result in increased incidence in ovarian cancer and sterility. Males ages 18-35 are at an increased risk of developing testicular cancer. Getting a yearly physical is the most reliable way to avoid health problems, especially those that aren't visible to the untrained eye.John Bream,2004.

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